30. Red Lights

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A/N: Yes, it's exactly what you think it is...

- July 15th, Thursday (2:05 AM), Chicago -

The lock in the door clicked as the master card key unlocked it. The man slowly opened the door, peeking his head into the small dark hallway of the room before fully stepping in and just as carefully closing the door behind him. He carried his backpack and a paper bag with him, walking slowly into the room, careful not to make a sound and wake up the sleeping ones. Upon entering the bedroom, he straightened up and smiled, seeing two beautiful beings asleep on the wide bed, wrapped in each other's arms. Their naked bodies were covered as they shared one soft white bed sheet. A selected lo-fi music playlist was quietly playing from the opened laptop on the desk, and only one floor lamp was turned on, its golden light shining on the sleeping bodies.

Bang Chan carefully let down his backpack on the floor and walked over to the bed, close to where Hyunjin was sleeping. He placed his palm on the younger male's exposed shoulder and slowly shook it, whispering.

"Hyunjinnie..." Chan called and shook his shoulder again, making the male grunt in his sleep and wrap his arms more around Jia who gladly nuzzled into his chest. Chan took a breath and tried again, "Hyunjin... wake up..." he called with a more serious tone, and the sleeping male turned, opening one eye to look at his leader.

"Chan...?" Hyunjin grunted and rubbed his eyes, "What are you doing here? What time is it anyway?" he whispered on which Jia stretched and turned around, her back now facing Hyunjin. 

Chan smiled at her cuteness but looked at Hyunjin again, "It's past two in the morning and I'm here to collect my girl," he sneered, "After I fulfill her fantasy," he kept smiling and Hyunjin sat up.

"What fantasy? Why are you dressed like that?" the younger one asked, eyeing Chan's clothes.

"For the said fantasy, Jinnie. Now, go and get dressed too as I prepare everything else here," Chan said, handing the paper bag to Hyunjin.

The tall black-haired man stood up from the bed and, completely naked, went into the bathroom with the bag of clothes in his hands. And while Hyunjin was getting dressed, Bang Chan went to his backpack and slowly unzipped it. He took out his laptop and put it on the small round table, shutting Hyunjin's and turning on his. Then he pulled out pieces of red tulle from his backpack, turned on the remaining two floor lamps and put the fabric over them, creating sexy dimmed red lights.

Bang Chan scrolled through his laptop when Hyunjin stepped into the room, now fully dressed.

"Hyung..." he called and Chan looked up at him, his lips forming a wide grin.

"Looks good on you, Jinnie... Brings back memories," Chan looked up at his friend and they exchanged smiles.

"Yeah... but, how did you get these clothes?" Hyunjin asked and Chan's grin widened, "Okay, I get it, you have your ways," he paused and looked at sleeping Jia, her naked back bathed in red lights, "I sure hope we won't set the room on fire," he glanced at the covered lamps and then back at Chan, "So, how are we gonna do this?"

But Chan remained silent and just smiled. He then went to his backpack again and took out two items that made Hyunjin cover his gaped mouth.

"No... Are you serious?" he asked and Chan nodded. This guy really has his ways, Hyunjin thought again... and he always goes "all the way".

"But I need your help..." Bang Chan said and, with the important object still in hand, walked to sleeping Jia. He pulled the cover off of her body in one swift move, making her grumble in her sleep and turn on her back, lying completely naked.

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