53. Big small surprise

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- August 9th, Monday, Seoul -

The airplane from Tokyo landed at Incheon International Airport around 10 AM, spilling out a huge crowd of people. Jia's phone buzzed as soon as they stepped out of the airport terminal, and got into the awaiting car. She frowned at the screen and put her phone back in her cardigan pocket. Chan noticed her annoyance as soon as they sat in the back seat.

"Hey, what's wrong?" he carefully asked, placing his hand on her thigh, making Jia look at him while trying to hide her frown and smile instead. But she knew that she couldn't lie to him anymore.

"My dad sent me a text, telling me to come home so that we can talk... probably because I ignore all mom's calls and messages these last days," she explained, putting her hand over his.

Chan squeezed Jia's hand, bringing it up to kiss it, "Whatever it is, if you need my help I'm right here."

But Jia shook her head, "No... I have to deal with this on my own and settle things once and for all."

Bang Chan understood her determination and didn't want to meddle in her family's problems so he only nodded and held her hand all the way until the van reached Jia's family home. He kissed her one last time before they exited the car.

"Call me if you need me," Chan said and Jia nodded, saying goodbye to the two boys sitting in the front.

Bang Chan helped with her suitcase, following Jia to the entrance door. A few moments after ringing the bell, Jia's father opened the door and Chan bowed, greeting him right away.

"Good morning sir," Chan smiled, placing his hand on the small of Jia's back, "I'm bringing back your daughter safe and sound."

"Good to see you again, Chan," Mr. Kim replied with a smile, "Would you like to come inside for a cup of tea?"

"Ah, no, I'm sorry," Chan chuckled, raising his hands, "I have to return to the company right away... maybe some other time." Mr. Kim nodded at that and watched how Chan greeted Jia, giving her a small smile, "I'll see you later, Jia," Chan said and then turned back to her father, "Have a good day, sir. Say hi to Mrs. Kim for me," he bowed again and excused himself.

Jia and her father watched as Chan went back to the car, climbing in and waving to them one last time before the van drove off. Mr. Kim reached to take Jia's suitcase.

"Come in, my daughter," he said calmly but Jia wasn't calm - she really didn't want to meet her mother and deal with her anger outbursts.

"Where's mom?" she asked carefully, taking off her shoes.

Mr. Kim slid the black suitcase and left it near the stairway, turning to Jia next, "She went to the store. Apparently, there's a huge sale on fish products today and she didn't want to miss it. She'll probably be back soon. Come here, have a seat," he smiled, gesturing with his hand to the sofas in the open living room, "I'll go make some tea. How was your vacation with the group?" he asked, turning on his left to go to the small open kitchen.

"It was amazing," Jia sighed, reluctantly walking to the living room. She felt like a stranger at her own house, especially after the verbal fight with her mother six days ago.

"That's good to hear," Mr. Kim said from the kitchen, "I hope you had a good rest."

Jia didn't respond to that. She was really starting to feel uncomfortable as if she didn't belong there. Suddenly, the door opened and her mother's grumbly voice came, followed by a lot of rustling of the bags. Jia jumped from the sofa and ran to the door, ready to help the woman. Mrs. Kim froze when she noticed slim arms and gentle hands grabbing the straps of the bags in her hands. She looked up and saw Jia weakly smiling at her.

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