8. The bet and the job

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- June 17th, Thursday, New York City -

The second day of the Stray Kids concert in New York City was on; Jia's seat was in the middle section of the theater, by the passage; she was surrounded by fans who radiated so much energy that she was pulled into it easily, dancing and singing along with them.

Jia was impacted by the opening of the concert again, specifically by "Venom" and "Charmer", taken aback by Chan's air-smacking on the big screen. Was that really necessary? Why was his part of the choreo different? 

Tsk... That's Christopher behavior right there...

Jia thought as fans around her went crazy.

After the ment, "Easy" was on and the overall feeling she had from the song was stronger than yesterday. Even though she couldn't see the beads of sweat on their faces up close, Jia was mesmerized by the choreography and the song so much that she watched the whole thing standing still. She couldn't describe it clearly but that song did something to her. The song was about how they're doing everything easily and having fun in the process but, regarding the lyrics, their faces and choreography on big screens hypnotized her... and if you add to that the slow hip-hop beat and the melody... 

"All in" and "District 9" were next after a VCR will be played for the members to go and change their outfits for the next set of songs. According to yesterday's set list, "Red Lights" will be played right after the break and Jia wasn't sure if she'll "survive" that level of sexiness... she barely managed to get through it yesterday.

VCR started, lights in the arena were off and Jia felt someone grab her right elbow. Startled, she turned and saw a masked guard (different from the one that escorted her yesterday) in a tight black t-shirt.

'I guess it's time... but it's merely the beginning of the concert...'

The tall Korean man in black tilted his head to the side, signaling to Jia that she needs to come with him. She nodded and gripped her purse, stepping away from her seat. Not many people noticed what was happening since it was dark - Jia hurriedly walked behind the guard and past many fans, turning off the lightstick not to attract attention. They went behind the stage and she put her backstage pass around her neck again.

Walking down the familiar hallway, they stopped by a dressing room door and the guard knocked twice. He opened and announced Jia's arrival, stepping to the side to reveal the girl.

All members of SKZ silenced and looked at her at the same time, while staff women worked on their hair, clothes, and makeup, and after a split second the seven guys shouted in celebration, giving each other a high-five, while Chan sat silently, staring at a blank spot on the wall. Jia watched the scene from the door, utterly confused, taking a small step inside.

"Woo yes! This is gonna be good!" Changbin pumped his fist while putting on his black jacket and tightening the belt on his pants, "I can't wait to stuff my face tonight!"

"Oh, I found a place that serves Korean barbecue, and the reviews on the restaurant are good," Han commented, waving his phone as he was getting his hair done.

"We'll be in your care, hyung," Changbin laughed loudly, patting Chan on the shoulder.

Bang Chan had his head lowered, covering his face with both of his hands.

Hyunjin, noticing Jia still standing confused and watching them, came to her, wearing a winner's grin, "Chan lost the bet and now has to treat us to dinner," he explained with a wink.

"And what was the bet?" Jia carefully asked him but Hyunjin only smiled wider, eyeing her up and down.

"It was your outfit," Chan answered instead, leaning back in his chair for a makeup artist to finish the final touch-ups on his face.

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