7. Meeting the boys

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- June 16th, Wednesday, New York City -

Following the guard, the voices from the group's green room gradually became louder. The tall muscular man knocked on the door, all sounds from the inside of the room silenced, and Jia's heart pounded like never before in her life.

The guard opened the door, "She's here," he said, revealing Jia to the boys. She slowly stepped in, her gaze falling.

"Good, I'll take it from here, thank you," she heard Chan's voice and the guard closed the door behind her. "Hello there, Jia," he said cheerfully and Jia looked up, meeting Chan's smiling face. "Come," he took her hand and pulled her towards others. She was too nervous to notice the warmth of his hand and its gentle grip around her fingers.

They stopped and Jia looked up at the boys, meeting their intense glares. That's when she got even more scared. She had a moment to scan their faces and looks, noticing that they were all still in their concert clothes. They all had dark-colored hairstyles, except for Felix who was a handsome blond.

"Let's introduce ourselves properly, boys," Chan let go of her hand and went to the members.

"STEP OUT! Hello, we are Stray Kids." they did their usual greeting (in English) and Jia bowed as well.

"Boys, this is Jia, my 'girlfriend' ", Chan said, pure sarcasm noticeable in his voice despite the smile he was wearing. "Jia, these are the Stray Kids boys."

She bowed again with a faint "Hello".

No one said a word. Jia was borderline nervous, so much so that she wanted to disappear from the surface of the Earth. All of them were staring at her, but there was something in the way Minho, Changbin, and Hyunjin looked at her that made her break down in cold sweat. These three had the most intense "resting bitch face" that she had ever seen and she gulped... She was especially nervous with the way Lee Know stared at her, his sharp eyes slicing her into pieces. Felix, known in the fandom as the "sunshine" of the group, glared daggers at her too, his gentle freckled face now cold and frowning.

"Wow..." brown-haired Han Jisung stepped to her first, breaking the tense atmosphere, "It's nice to finally meet you, Jia. I'm Han." his smile was pure and Jia relaxed a tiny bit, "Hey, don't be nervous. We're thrilled to meet Chan's girlfriend."

Han was sarcastic, despite his smile. Jia didn't like that, it made her stomach twist, a perfect image of Han Jisung shattering in her mind. His sentence was followed by a few laughs from others and Jia didn't dare to look at the sources of those chuckles.

"How did you like the show?" Han asked, his big eyes captivating her... But also checking her out (for a split second stopping at her thighs and cleavage).

"It was amazing," Jia smiled back at him, taken by his now sweet nature and doe eyes, still feeling the heavy glares on her. The comfortable bubble she felt formed around her and Han was threatening to pop.

"Nice. I bet you couldn't take your eyes off Chan, huh?" Han looked at his leader. Chan had his arms crossed in front of his chest, nodding proudly with a smile.

"Actually, you were all amazing..." Jia chuckled nervously, remembering how these men and their music made her experience sets of different emotions in just three hours.

"Wow, even her laugh is cute!" another voice stopped her small laugh and caught her attention. Jia turned to look at the man, "Nice to meet you, liar princess," tall, black-haired Hwang Hyunjin said, sitting on the couch, not averting his gaze from Jia. He crossed his legs as his eyes, however, traveled to her behind before returning to her face. She had no choice but to look at him, getting caught by his sharp gaze. His princely aura seemed dangerous. Hyunjin pushed his long fingers through his damp black hair, that move making Jia hold her breath.

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