51. Busan Seagull

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- August 5th, Thursday, Busan -

Wearing big sunglasses to cover her tired face, Jia walked between Bang Chan and I.N, trying her best to steady her wobbly walk. She was sleepy, her body was aching, and all she wanted was to arrive at the hotel and drop on the bed.

They climbed in the big black SUV and Jia was seated in the back between the oldest and the youngest, leaning her head on Jeongin's shoulder.

"Thanks for inviting us to your family home, Innie," Jia smiled, letting out a yawn right after.

"No problem," I.N chuckled but then tilted Jia's head up to him. His fingers remained under her chin as he talked, "But don't fall for my older brother, got it?"

Others in the car burst laughing and Jia giggled too, coming up to lean back on Chan's arm, "Don't worry, Innie. Who in their right mind would trade all of you guys?"

"Our fans, apparently," I.N rolled his eyes and another set of laughter spread in the car.

The youngest returned to looking through his phone and Jia leaned her head on Chan's shoulder now, letting out a small whimper. He looked up from his phone and pulled down his face mask to kiss her head.

"What's the matter, love? Were my boys too rough with you last night?" he cooed and she turned in her seat, nuzzling her face in the crook of his neck.

"No..." she mumbled against his skin, "They were sweet to me... with a little bit of spice," she giggled and Chan laughed too, "I'm just so sleepy... we've been at it the whole night."

Chan chuckled, "I know but... Our maknae seems to be willing to share his bed with you, right Innie?"

Jia whined, clinging onto Chan's arm and making him laugh more. I.N ignored the leader.

Then Chan kissed her head again, talking closely to her, "Don't worry, love, I know he'll treat you well."


"Oh, what a great thing to see another woman among all these men," Jeongin's mother giggled to Jia. She scooted over and sat next to the girl, placing her hand on top of Jia's, "It's too bad you're not Jeongin's girlfriend, you're so pretty."

"Mom!" I.N interrupted, wanting to break the uncomfortable atmosphere, "She's Chan's girlfriend so please don't talk like that in front of him," he was blushing, Jia noticed and suppressed a giggle at that cute face.

"Aish!" Mrs. Yang waved her hand and turned to Chan who sat on Jia's other side, "If you two ever break up, you know I'll take her as my daughter-in-law. She is the same age as Jeongin, after all."

"Mom, please!" I.N pleaded, blushing madly.

Bang Chan giggled, taking Jia's hand away from the woman's grasp. He squeezed tight and Jia blushed, looking down at her feet.

"Don't worry, ma'am, I will cherish her forever so our dear Jeongin has to look for another girl that will be your future daughter-in-law," Chan answered, diplomatic and polite as ever.

"Yeah..." Mrs. Yang sighed, moving her hands away from Jia, and looked at her sons, "I know Jeongin is busy being an idol and Yoon is still in school but my oldest..." she frowned, glaring at the tall man, "When will you give me grandchildren, huh?"

The situation became even more uncomfortable as the brothers didn't know how to calm their mother now that she was hooked up on the topic.

Jeongbin, the oldest, smiled at his mother and nodded, "One day, Mom, one day. Shall we eat?"

"Oh, yes! I have to get the food out of the oven!" the woman remembered, hopping up and running to the kitchen.

"Thanks for that, hyung," Jeongin nudged his older brother and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

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