26. Cocktail party

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- July 8th, Thursday, Los Angeles -

The sound of the alarm clock broke down in the large bedroom, coming from someone's smartphone on the nightstand. Three figures, lying on the bed with their limbs entwined, grunted in unison, neither of them wanting to get up and turn off the persistent device.

After a full minute passed without anyone stopping the alarm, the oldest of the three sat up and swiped the button to turn off the previously set alarm on his phone. He scheduled it to wake him up in time for the group's breakfast meeting but he didn't have the will to get out of bed, especially since there were two more naked people in his bed, one of them being the girl he had a strong sexual desire for.

"You two are mean, making me, the oldest, get up..." Chan grumbled, knowing that the two were awake. He snuggled back behind Jia, wrapping his arms around her.

"Oh, I'm sorry..." Lee Know spoke, slowly opening his eyes, "When is your pension due, grandpa?"

His joke made Jia burst out laughing into Minho's chest but was stopped when Bang Chan grabbed her wrist and turned her to him, her eyes fluttering open.

"Oh, so you find that funny, huh?" Chan cocked an eyebrow but Jia couldn't mask her giggles, "You won't be laughing soon."

"No, she won't..." Minho spoke next, turning Jia back to him. He placed his hand on her cheek, leaning his forehead on hers. At that moment, his eyes darkened, shining dangerously. "What she will be doing is begging for dick!"

Now that made Chan laugh and he already reached between Jia's legs, cupping her pussy whole. Noticing how wet she already was, he didn't hesitate to push his hard dick in and make her moan instantly. Her voice was, once again, interrupted by Minho's lips and tongue.

So, only after rounds of hot sex, blowjobs, orgasms, kisses, moans, and screams did the three of them get ready and went down to the hotel restaurant for breakfast.


"What will you do today?" Bang Chan asked, holding Jia close, his hands gently squeezing her ass, his finger sneaking under the hem of her dress.

She shrugged, "I don't have anything planned..." Jia took a moment to think, "I'll probably watch a movie or go explore the hotel bars."

"Without me?" Chan pouted, making a puppy face.

"Sorry," she shrugged again.

"No drinking!" he warned and she jokingly saluted, "Instead, make sure to watch a porno 'cause I need you to be wet for me tonight," he snickered and squeezed her ass more, only to get a smack on the arm.

They laughed but Jia came closer to Chan's ear to whisper, "I'll select a perfect movie then - maybe I'll learn something from the actors... How does the 'anal' category sound?"

Bang Chan shivered and when she looked into his eyes again, Jia knew that she lit up the sleeping fire in him.

Chan's smile was wide and playful, and he came close to her ear to whisper back, "That sounds nice, baby... I'll need to prepare you for DP 'cause, apparently, Lee Know desperately wants to fuck you."

Jia's wide eyes and lips shut tight amused him - Chan knew that he too tickled her curiosity. He kissed her quickly on the nose and released her from the hug, grabbing his backpack from the small coffee table in the living area.

"Don't call me, don't text me," he said on his way out of the room, "You already said enough. I need to focus on the concert but I want you to surprise me tonight."

"I will, don't worry... daddy," Jia replied with a wink, grabbing her boobs and puckering her lips.

She knew that she was playing a dangerous game but she was very much fine with it. Bang Chan was the epitome of sex and she no longer had the need or fear to hide her desires.

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