24. Pants and Sexting

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- July 6th (afternoon), Tuesday, Las Vegas -

"No... No... No!" Jia yelled at Chan who pulled different clothes from her part of the wardrobe.

She was sitting on the bed, tapping her foot in annoyance. She was annoyed for two reasons: manager Do promised her black-haired Chan but his hair was still dark brown, only trimmed a little with a fresh undercut (she can roll with that though, it wasn't a big deal) BUT, on the other hand, she had no pants to wear!

"Then you can wear this," Chan said, showing her a black skirt, "And I can give you one of my shirts."

"God damn it, Chan! No! I don't want to be the like the 'no-pants girl' who stalked BTS at the airport!" she was fuming. The scheduled flight time was approaching and she was getting more nervous, "I would still have my Converse joggers if you didn't tell me to dispose of all my clothes in Miami... Fuck!"

"Calm down, babe," Chan sat next to her, taking hold of her shoulders, "We'll figure something out... We can always ask one of the staff to lend you pants for the flight."

Jia shot him a glare, "Are you serious?! That's so embarrassing!"

"Then what should we do? All my clothes are too big for you..." Chan said and Jia silenced, thinking of a plan.


Her small fist banged on the door persistently until the one she wanted to see opened it. Bang Chan stood behind Jia, his arms crossed. He wanted to witness her ridiculous idea unfolding.

"Hey princess, what's the rush?" Han Jisung looked down at Jia and she pushed her way into his room, Chan following. Han looked at his leader to which Chan only shrugged. A confused younger male closed the door and followed the two inside. He was in the middle of packing his bags and, in Jia's opinion, she arrived at the perfect time. "Can you guys explain to me what's going on?"

"You have the most narrow waist in the group, right?" Jia asked and Han nodded confusingly, "I need you to lend me a pair of pants for the flight!"

Han Jisung was left dumbfounded. With his mouth agape, he stared at angry Jia and then looked at Bang Chan who massaged his forehead.

"Okay," Han answered and Jia smiled widely. Chan, on the other hand, was shocked, "But on one condition," he continued.

"Anything!" Jia rejoiced.

Han gulped and carefully looked at Chan who was already frowning. He averted his gaze fast and back at Jia, "I'll give you a spare pair of pants only... if you give me a kiss..." Jia could see that his soft cheeks got a dash of red on them.

"Cheek or mouth?"

Her question shocked both males but Jia only shrugged, "It's a fair trade!" she looked at Chan, "It's definitely better than asking any girl member of your staff..."

"Hyung..." Han looked at Bang Chan who was pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Fine, whatever!" Chan let his arms fall, hitting his thighs. He looked up at Jia, pointing a finger at her, "But, you'll do it the same way as you did with Lee Know in the club."

"Huh? It won't be just a peck on the lips?" she protested but Chan shook his head, "Are you for real?!"

"I'm sorry..." Han pouted.

"No, it's not your fault, Hanji. It's this horny kangaroo!" Jia pointed her finger at Chan who replied to her by sticking his tongue out. "Alright, fine!"

Bang Chan smirked and made his way to sit on the golden armchair and watch the show. Jia clicked her tongue, aware that she already lost the bet/game she pledged to win. If she wanted those pants and not to embarrass herself in front of the fans, she had to do this.

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