33. Songwriter

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A/N:  Another long-ass chapter... I felt inspired lol.

- July 16th (close to midnight), Friday, Seattle -

As soon as Stray Kids arrived at the Grand Hyatt Seattle hotel, and Bang Chan unlocked the door of their room, Jia flew in and dropped on the wide bed, hugging the white pillows close.

"Babe, change of clothes first," Chan said, pushing his suitcase into the room. He smiled at Jia mumbling cutely into the pillows, bringing her knees to her chest and curling up. 

They showered before leaving Chicago and Jia's clothes were clean so Chan understood that she was tired due to an intense workout in the morning and walking around the city for the whole day, so he let her sleep, pulling a thin sheet over her body.

Jia fell asleep fast but Chan took another shower - this time a cold one - to wake up and continue his work on the new album. He lost track of time, too immersed in melodies and beats, sitting at the dark-brown desk with a single desk lamp giving light to the room and above Chan's laptop. He kept looking through and arranging files that Han and Changbin sent him until he stretched and his eyes fell on the time in the right corner of the laptop screen.

"Shit..." Bang Chan cursed and turned to his left, noticing through the window that the sky began growing brighter.

He turned in his chair and saw Jia sleeping, a smile on his face instantly getting wider. She was hugging a big pillow in her signature sleeping position. Chan turned back to the laptop, saved the draft file, and closed the computer, standing up and stretching his body one more time before slipping next to Jia in bed. He caressed her hair, pushing a small strand off of her face, and planting a soft kiss on her forehead. On the touch, Jia mumbled and stretched, turning her back to Chan. He only smiled and slid behind her, hugging her close and closing his eyes. 

Chan found out that falling asleep next to Jia became a habit, something like a daily routine and a much-needed thing that calmed him after a long day, and it has only been a month since they were together in the US.


- July 17th, 10 AM, Saturday, Seattle -

Jia stretched a yawned, hearing a persistent notification sound, followed by buzzing, from her phone on the nightstand. She reached for it and saw her locked screen filled with message notification bubbles from different SKZ members so when she unlocked her phone to view all the notifications, she saw one from her mother. Jia immediately sat up in bed, completely awake, and opened the chat with her mom.

 Jia immediately sat up in bed, completely awake, and opened the chat with her mom

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Jia smiled - her mother's habit was to send one sentence at a time. That annoyed Jia so much in the past, especially when she was out with friends or doing something, but when they were far away and haven't seen each other in a while (like this), Jia missed her mom and didn't mind her short messages. 

Reading everything, she glanced at Chan who was sound asleep and lightly snoring, his back turned to her. Jia smiled and typed a long message to her mother, assuring her that everything was fine. Since it was currently 3 AM in Seoul, Jia sent a message for her mother to read when she wakes up.

Wolf Prince and Liar Princess [BANG CHAN FF] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now