20. What happens in Vegas...

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- July 5th (after midnight), Monday, Las Vegas -

The next thing Jia was aware of was her straddling Chan's lap on the long circular sofa in the back of the club, her panties long gone (in Chan's pocket), and his fingers buried deep into her seeping wetness. Their lips were connected in a deep and messy kiss, with Jia moaning every couple of seconds because of what he was doing between her legs. 

Jia's wide skirt, loud music, and darkness covered what they were doing but Lee Know's eyes didn't miss a detail of the play - Chan's right hand between Jia's legs, his left gripping her bare ass under the skirt, and the way Jia wiggled in his lap. Minho was sitting comfortably on the other end of the round black leather sofa across from them, stroking his crotch over his pants, which got tight pretty fast... but he enjoyed it. 

On his question, Jia chose Bang Chan - she had wanted him ever since Miami and she couldn't hide it anymore. And Lee Know didn't have a choice but to let the leader take the girl.

"We're not gonna do it here, love," Chan said, licking Jia's lips while continuing to finger-fuck her. "Since you were a dirty liar, I want you to be my dirty girl now and tell me exactly what you want in the dirtiest language you can think of."

Jia was a panting mess. She was more turned on than drunk, her mind was hazy but she knew exactly what she wanted. Chan pulled his two fingers out of her and she whined, missing his touch almost immediately. And when he licked those two fingers covered in her juices, his sharp eyes not leaving hers, she lost it - her whole body shivered, wanting him.

She took a breath and came to his ear, holding onto the back of his neck, "Mister Christopher Bang..." she started and noticed his body tense up on the way she called him, her American accent ringing in his mind, "I want you to take me to our hotel room right now and fuck me senseless. Fuck me so hard and so much until I cum and almost pass out until my pussy goes numb. Chris... I want your dick in me until morning... over and over again."

She straightened up and witnessed his wide smile and surprised face. Chan licked his lips, shaking his head, "Wow..." he muttered and pulled her close to talk into her ear, "Holy shit, girl. You know your way with words but... your wish is my command," Chan finished with a kiss on Jia's cheek, pushing her gently away from him. 

He took her hand and they started walking. Chan turned and shrugged at Lee Know, with it telling that he was sorry for his loss and that he'll take his prize home. The 'loser' male rolled his eyes and shooed them away with his hand.

Bang Chan walked down with Jia and came to Changbin who was near, whispering in his ear that the two of them will leave early.

"You lucky bastard," Changbin growled on which Chan victoriously smiled. Changbin also didn't miss noticing Jia's lustful expression as they walked past him, his eyes dropping on her round ass.

The two exited the nightclub, holding hands which they didn't separate even in the car. Their heated play continued in the back seat. With lights off, it was a perfect opportunity for Jia to keep her free hand busy. She slowly undid the buttons of his suit jacket, caressed Chan's bare stomach, and slowly advanced down until he growled in the kiss as she grabbed his dick over his leather pants.

"Fuck..." he broke the kiss, whispering in her ear, "Easy now, babe, don't be hasty - I'll introduce you two later."

"Why wait?" Jia breathed, her words hitting Chan's parted lips. 

He snickered and she was already on her knees and between his legs. Seeing how Bang Chan didn't complain, Jia easily popped the button off his pants and slid down the zipper. Streetlights were shining on them as she pulled down his boxers, revealing the biggest and hardest cock she has ever seen in person. She gulped, a little nervous about its size, but took it in her hands and slowly pumped, the action making Chan groan and let his head fall back. She licked the tip, already coated in pre-cum, and he shivered but tensed up when she put it in her mouth, her tongue working around the sensitive area of the head. Her lips gripping and sliding up and down his length made Chan hiss in pleasure, his hands reaching and grabbing her hair. He didn't push her to go deep and Jia used that opportunity to show her skills, using her tongue and hands the best way she knew. She looked up at him, with his dick still in her mouth, and it was a blow Chan wasn't ready for. He didn't expect such an experience to come from her. His mouth was open, letting out soft and low moans, hands clenched in her hair, and eyes cloudy with lust. Looking at his sexy face made Jia want to please him as much as she could so she braced herself and pushed his dick deeper into her throat until she was able to swallow him. Chan's body arched at the sensation of her hot and wet mouth, and the pressure around his shaft. He grabbed Jia's head and pushed her away, already panting.

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