56. Dangerous events

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- August 21st (middle of the night), Saturday, Seoul -

Jia is usually a heavy sleeper. She could sleep through any kind of noise but this night, Chan's heavy and strange breathing woke her up. Was it that she was so under stress earlier that his snoring woke her up or was it that she had some kind of sixth sense, she didn't know. But, the way he was breathing definitely worried her.

She sat up quickly in panic, hearing as if he was out of breath - suffocating - barely managing to pull small bits of air. His forehead was covered in pearls of sweat as if he had a fever and his brows were furrowed. She shook his shoulders while shouting his name and Chan woke up after a couple of nudges, his face pale and sweaty. With tears building up in her eyes and her mouth dry, Jia reached with her shaky hands to hold his as he slowly sat up in bed.

"Chan... babe, what's going on? Do you need anything? Water?" she asked, coming to sit next to him and caressing his bare back as he was still trying to catch his breath.

But he shook his head and just gripped her hand, his head lowered and his breath panting. He tried to take a breath through his nose but it only made him cough and grip on the bed and Jia's hand tighter.

"Hey, hey, take it easy..." Jia reassured him while feeling extremely scared. Yet she knew that she had to be strong and composed in critical situations.

When they had that conversation back in Miami, Chan told Jia that he often has respiratory problems, especially during the allergy season. His sinus condition worried her but she never experienced this problem before. Tears subconsciously slid down her cheeks as she watched him struggling, not knowing how to help him.

"W... ater..." he whispered, his voice rough and scratchy.

Jia immediately jumped off the bed and, still naked, ran down the stairs to pour Chan a glass of water. Hurrying up to the bed, she sat back and offered him the full glass of water, watching his face closely. Chan slowly regained his breath and took a small sip of water. He let out a sigh and looked up at her, forming a small smile.

"Thank you, my love," Chan smiled more, putting his hand on hers and using his other to wipe her teary face, "I'm sorry for worrying you, Jia..."

She shook her head, crying more, "Don't be... I want to help you..."

Chan sighed and pulled her closer to him, planting a short kiss on her nose. He then looked into her watery eyes and wiped the rest of her tears.

"Just stay with me and I'll be fine," he smiled more but Jia shook her head.

"No, Chan, you need to see a doctor," she worried.

"No need, dear, I know how to handle this--"

"Bang Chan!" she frowned and he flinched at her sudden loud voice, "We're going to the doctor the first thing in the morning and I don't want to hear any excuses!"

Chan was taken aback but he smiled again at her determination and hugged her close, "Thank you, Jia... You saved me."

She sniffled and laughed a little, pulling away to look into his eyes again, "I was scared shitless... I thought you were dying."

Chan kissed her lips and slid them both down to the bed again, "Yeah, that could've happened. So yeah... You saved me."

They giggled and hugged. Chan fell asleep first while Jia couldn't - she kept an open eye for the rest of the night, scared that he would suffocate again. When the sun rose, Jia went and took a shower, quietly making breakfast after. She was careful not to make too much noise so that she could hear Chan's breathing. When the breakfast was done, Jia returned to watch Chan sleep, tangling her fingers in his curls, and caressing his head until he woke up minutes later.

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