52. Hot springs

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- August 6th, Friday, Busan -

Having the master key once again, Bang Chan came into Jeongin's room and interrupted his morning cuddle with Jia (after their morning sex in the bathtub). The leader praised the youngest, saying that he was proud of him as if Jeongin just lost his virginity. I.N didn't want to part from Jia - her body was too soft and warm to let go - but he wanted to shake off the annoying leader so he shooed them both out of the room for him to get ready for the day.

Jeongin dropped on the bed after Chan and Jia left and, staring at the ceiling while wearing only a bathrobe, smiled to himself, reminiscing about last night. He remembered how Jia's clouded eyes watched him, how her soft honeyed lips moved as she called for him, how well her soft and curvy body fell into his arms, how her hot walls hugged him as he passionately fucked her, and how she arched to him as she orgasmed.

Jeongin cursed his rising boner and sat up, running his fingers through his black hair, "Jia..." he whispered her name, determined to have the girl under him soon again.


On today's agenda was for SKZ to relax by visiting the largest hot spring spa in Asia - Oncheon's Heosimcheong Spa - but Jeongin already had a plan to go visit his family one more time before they return to Seoul. And, as expected, Seungmin tagged along. The boys shared a look with Jia and she saw some longing feelings in their eyes; her heart cracked a little at how sorrowful they looked, wanting to jump from her chair and hug them.

But, the boys excused themselves and stood up from the breakfast table, followed by a guard that will take them to Yang family's house. Jia watched them go, reliving the memories she spent with those two in her mind. Remembering how they kissed, hugged, and whispered to her while they had sex, warmed Jia's body and she had to admit that she missed being with Seungmin and Jeongin.

But her thoughts were interrupted by a hand softly squeezing her thigh. Looking to her right, Jia saw Bang Chan smiling at her, yet his eyes showed a different feeling. She smiled back at him, wondering if she could cover her feelings for Vocalracha.

"Did you want to go with them, too?" Chan asked and Jia gulped. She was so stupid even to think that she could fool him - he saw right through her.

She shrugged, "You caught me. Yeah, I miss spending time with them," Jia paused and saw that Chan's smile slightly faded so she placed her hand on top of his and smiled more, "But I also miss you."

Bang Chan seemed to have relaxed because he let out a sigh and squeezed Jia's leg more. He smirked and came to her ear, "Good answer... because I do not intend to let go of you today, or tomorrow, or any other day," he intentionally paused and Jia strangely got scared. Chan hasn't been demanding and serious like that in a while. "Now that you have slept with all of them... I'm claiming you again, Kim Jia."

"Chan..." she breathed a hot breath, feeling the wetness building up and staining her panties, "We're in a public place..."

Hearing that, Chan chuckled and straightened back to his seat. They continued eating their breakfast but Jia couldn't shake the feeling of need as she watched Chan on her right, dressed in a tight black shirt, with his signature black cap on his head. Her eyes traveled across his tight chest to his crotch, admiring his self-control because she was mad horny while his boner was nowhere to be seen. Jia mentally cursed her weakness for the man next to her and returned to eat, crossing her legs.


"You seriously rented the whole place?" Jia's mouth gaped open, seeing the big facility almost completely empty.

"Not the whole thing," Han, walking next to her, raised his fingers to correct her, "Just the big pool under the glass dome."

"Yeah, that's basically the whole thing..." Jia rolled her eyes as they approached the front desk.

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