41. Present pt.2 (for him)

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- July 26th (morning), Monday, Tokyo - 

It was the day of their first concert in Japan and Jia slowly woke up, numerous breaths reaching her ears. She was lying naked on the big wide bed, soft white silk sheets crumpled underneath her. She looked up at the white ceiling, the bright sunlight washing over the sleeping naked bodies. 

Turning her head to the left, Jia smiled at sleeping Bang Chan, his lips pressed to her shoulder. On her right she saw Jisung and absolutely melted at the way he hugged her arm, his face soft and squishy and his parted lips letting out soft snores.

She wanted to move but her legs were trapped as well. So, raising her head to see what blocked her body from moving, Jia's eyes grew big in surprise at the sight.

Cupping her right boob and being sound asleep, naked and hot, Minho lay on her right side, his breath hitting her ribs. The same happened with her left boob, only this time it was naked Felix who held it, nestled between her and Chan. 

Looking away from her chest, Jia struggled to breathe as two heads lay on her stomach. Heads that belonged to Seungmin and Jeongin who also slept naked and close to her body. She never saw them naked but their angelic skin radiated and warmed her body. She smiled at their hands placed on her naked stomach.

She also couldn't move her legs as she saw that two other naked men held them close - the left leg was owned by Changbin while Hyunjin hugged and breathed against her right one.

All eight of them... on one of her...

She breathed and her head fell back on the big soft pillow. But that thud made Chan grumble in his sleep and open his eyes, smiling at Jia. He grunted and stretched, his movements making others shift in their sleep and wake up slowly.

"Is it morning already?" Felix asked, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"Yeah..." Chan stretched, also sitting up in bed, his eyes never leaving Jia's, "So, baby, how did you like it? All eight of us on you, hm?"

Jia opened her mouth to speak, confused at his question, wanting to tell him how she doesn't remember any group sex happening, but her vocal cords didn't work. No sound came from her mouth, as if she was mute.

But Han replied instead of her with a chuckle, "She enjoyed it, alright," he smirked and Jia looked up at him next.

"Yeah, like a whore she is..." Hyunjin commented and they all climbed off the bed, fully naked and preying on her.

Jia's throat dried out and she got scared, noticing some of them already getting hard.

"Exactly," Lee Know spoke next and Jia turned her gaze to him, "She's nothing but a whore."

"You don't need a girlfriend like her, right Chan?" Felix asked his friend, placing his hand on Chan's shoulder. The older one just nodded, his lips pressed tight.

"You certainly don't need someone who can't even bear your children," Jeongin spoke and Jia was genuinely hurt and surprised at his words.

"The only thing she's useful for is fucking," Changbin confirmed, crossing his muscular arms in front of his chest.

"Hah, yeah," Seungmin added with a scoff, "Like a cum disposal. A cum bucket," he laughed and others joined in, all eight laughing loudly.

Jia wanted to stand up and protest but only then she noticed that her wrists and ankles were chained to the bed, spreading her body wide like a star. She looked at Chan, in search of comfort and reassurance but only found out that he laughed continuously. Then he calmed his laugh and came back, leaning close to her face, his lips centimeters away from hers, his fingers grabbing her jaw. Others silenced as well, waiting for their leader.

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