49. Two princes

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- August 4th, Wednesday, Jeju City -

Feeling the engulfing heat, Jia woke up and mumbled, only to realize that she was still on the between sleeping Chan and Felix who emitted that heat, with their arms on and around her body. And even with the AC turned on, it was too much for her, so Jia slowly and very carefully picked Felix's arm and moved it away from her waist, slipping out of Chan's strong arms next. She was careful not to wake them up as the wall clock showed that it was barely 6 AM.

Standing up from the bed, Jia let out a breath but then smiled, watching two handsome naked men, sleeping on the bed. All three of them were so tired from yesterday's swimming and sex that they peacefully slept through the night. Yet, Jia couldn't remember how she got in the room, guessing that Chan carried her as she fell asleep after her intense orgasm.

Some pleasant shiver ran through her body when she remembered how Chan and Felix fucked her by the pool and her hand instinctively came between her legs. Her holes weren't that much swollen but she could use a cold shower since it was hot, either way.

The shower indeed relaxed her but the cold water also woke her up so she couldn't fall back asleep. Since it was nearing 7 AM, Jia thought that she could have an early meal and wake up the boys with breakfast in bed as well. So, she put on some light clothes and carefully exited the room.

Locking the door and turning to walk towards the hotel restaurant, Jia saw Hyunjin at the door of his room too. She smiled and walked to him, poking his side and making Hyunjin almost scream and fall on the floor. He contained his voice but showed just how startled he was. Jia rolled her eyes at his drama and brought a finger to her lips to shush him. Then she noticed his outfit - white linen pants and cream-colored shirt of the same material - and smiled more.

"So, you wear linen too, Hyunjin, not just Chan," she raised her brow and he rolled his eyes.

"It's damn hot and linen is the best," Hyunjin clicked his tongue but then looked down at her, noticing her choice of clothes, "And I see you became a fan of summer dresses. You look good in floral."

"Really?" Jia questioned, stepping back and looking down at her dress, "You don't think I look like a curtain? Or an old woman?"

Hyunjin laughed, "No way, princess, you look stunning," he assured her and Jia smiled more, "Anyway, where are you going?"

"Breakfast. Wanna eat together?"

Hyunjin smirked and stepped closer to her, placing his hands on her waist and looking down into her eyes, his handsome face centimeters away from Jia's.

"I want to do so many different things together with you..." he spoke and they shared a smile.

Jia placed her hands on his chest and waited while Hyunjin leaned down slowly. She cut him off by putting a finger on his lips, making Hyunjin blink in confusion.

Jia smiled, "Breakfast first," she sighed and stepped out of his hug, "Besides, two certain Australians really did numbers on my holes last night so..."

"Oh, fuck... are you hurt?" Hyunjin worried and took Jia's hand. She chuckled and caressed his cheek.

"Don't worry, Jinnie, it's nothing I can't handle."

"Well, I can kiss and make it better," he shrugged, a playful smirk dancing on his lips.

"Breakfast first!"


It was around 8 AM when Jia and Hyunjin finished their breakfast. Well, they finished it early but continued to laugh and talk in the almost empty dining room.

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