47. Sleepover pt.2

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- August 1st, Sunday, Seoul -

The airplane landed at the Incheon International Airport after approximately two hours on its direct flight from Osaka, around noon. For the whole flight, Chan would ask Jia, every couple of minutes, if she's hurt, how is she feeling, or is she nauseous or something. And she would always kiss him and say that she's alright. Lee Know would ask her those same questions a few times too and her reply was always the same. Yet Chan couldn't help but worry, knowing how rough him and Minho were last night... So he rewarded her with a lot of hugs and kisses.

As every other time, Jia exited the plane and the airport with the rest of the SKZ staff, now already used to the crowd waiting for the boys, knowing how to behave and no longer having those nervous jitters in her stomach. And the best way to get over her nervousness was to chat with staff girls, even though Korean fans still kind of scared her...

She already agreed to meet with Bang Chan later, most likely in the evening, whenever he was free. They, again, confirmed their "plans" for the day as she drove in the staff van.

Saying her goodbyes to the staff girls in the van, Jia closed the sliding door of the vehicle and pushed her suitcase on its wheels towards her house and her mother who waited on the porch.

"Hi, mom!" Jia smiled at the older woman and approached the two steps on the stairs, leaning down to kiss her mother on the cheek.

"Aish, enough of that Western-style greeting," her mother lightly pushed her away, flailing her arms around. Jia chuckled, knowing that her mother secretly liked this "Western-style greeting" but didn't want to admit it (her rosy cheeks proved it). "Come inside," Mrs. Kim gestured with her hand, opening the door for Jia to drag her black suitcase in.

Two women were soon in the living room, relaxing with some tea while sitting across each other on two sofas. Mrs. Kim only smiled at her daughter, occasionally waving her head. Jia noticed that and smiled, taking a sip of relaxing tea.

"What?! Say it!" Jia laughed.

"Oh, it's nothing..." her mother waved her hand, looking away from the girl, and took another sip of her tea.

"Mooom..." Jia raised her brow and the older woman returned her gaze to her daughter, letting out a sigh and placing a cup on the small table in front of her.

"Alright," Mrs. Kim finally smiled, placing her hands on her lap, "You're glowing, Jia... You're really happy, aren't you?"

Those words sort of surprised Jia but she knew that her mother has always been a direct person so her heart swelled at those words and how right her mother was - she really was happy, the happiest she has ever been in life.

Jia nodded, taking a deep breath to stop the tears, "Yes, Mom, I really am... I love him so much..." Jia smiled more and her mother stood up from the sofa to come and sit next to Jia. She grabbed Jia's hands, looking deep into her eyes. Jia noticed that her mother's eyes sparkled as if some tears were ready to form.

"I am really happy for you, Jia... Your father as well..." Mrs. Kim said, squeezing Jia's hands more, "We just want you to be happy so..."

Jia laughed, "I know what you want to tell me... No, Chan still didn't ask me to marry him," she laughed more and Mrs. Kim gulped, knowing that her daughter read right through her, "But, don't worry, even if I don't marry him, I'll always be grateful for having had a chance to be with him."

"Wh... What do you mean you won't marry him?!" Mrs. Kim panicked and Jia laughed more, taking hold of her mother's hands.

"I said 'if'," Jia corrected her, "To be honest, I'm not thinking about marriage - I just want to enjoy my time with him and that alone makes me happy. Besides, it's too early to talk about marriage," Jia kept smiling but her mother frowned, standing up from the sofa.

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