57. Pairings Bingo pt. 2

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- August 22nd, Sunday, Seoul -

It was merely 9 AM but Jia woke up an hour earlier, took a shower, and was now happily whisking eggs to make breakfast omelets for the three sleeping males. She wore her hair in a ponytail, and put on simple cotton shorts and a wide white T-shirt. She worked around the kitchen, quietly humming Ariana Grande's "Dangerous Woman", remembering how boys occasionally called her dangerous, as well as remembering the last day... and night. Jia giggled to herself at the memory of her squirting all over Bang Chan but also how well and hard MinBin fucked her.

Remembering something else, Jia let down the bowl of eggs and quietly came to the drawer under the TV, pulling out a notebook. She scanned the crossed-out squares and took a pen from the cup to cross out another one.

"MinBin... check," she giggled quietly, turning to see the two boys in question sleeping soundly on the sofa. Her pairings bingo sheet was slowly getting completed. 

But then she glanced at Seungmin's name where just one square was crossed out - she didn't have any other combinations with him except Jeongin. She wasn't really eager to try them all out, seeing how Seungmin behaved with her - he wanted her for himself as his actions, words, and the look in his eyes told her that. But Jia missed him; she also wanted to spend more time with him yet the hyungs were always "faster", snatching her before she could even think of Seungmin.

Jia let out a sigh and returned to the kitchen. The pan was preheated and she poured the egg mixture into it, ready to start making their breakfast. But when the bacon started sizzling and smelling delicious, Changbin was first to wake up and come to Jia, wrapping his strong arms around her from behind.

"What are you making, love?" he asked, talking against the side of her neck.

His breath and lips tickled her so Jia giggled, flipping the bacon slices on the pan, "Breakfast," she answered shortly, "Go freshen up and it'll be on the table."

"Mmm," Changbin hummed and kissed her cheek, "You'll be an amazing wife someday," he said and hugged her tighter, making Jia feel his morning wood between her ass cheeks, "You sure you don't want to join me in the bathroom?"

"If you don't want breakfast, I'll join you," she replied and Changbin smiled at her cheeky reply so he joined the game.

"I'd rather eat you than that bacon, dear," he moved his hips, rubbing his erection on her ass.

"Go wash up, Changbin," Jia scoffed and he reluctantly let go of her.

But when Changbin went to the bathroom, someone else joined Jia in the kitchen - another one who slept on the sofa.

"Smells delicious, princess," Minho commented, pecking her left cheek. "Good morning."

"Morning," Jia greeted him back, sliding the cooked slices of bacon on different plates. Minho came around and took a bite of toast, leaning on the small kitchen counter.

"I could get used to this... you cooking us breakfast. You look so sexy doing it,"  he smirked and Jia turned to him, raising a brow.

"Don't make me smack you with this dirty spatula," she threatened with the utensil she held but then motioned with it to the left, "Bathroom. Now."

Lee Know laughed and let down a piece of bread after taking another bite. He slapped Jia's ass while passing her and ran to the bathroom, missing a smack she aimed at him.

Jia shook her head and went to place the plates with food on the small table. Finishing that, she went upstairs to wake up the sleeping leader. She climbed over him and kissed his head, nuzzling into his fluffy hair.

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