27. Shopping pt. 3

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A/N: This is one hella long chapter... I'm sorry... and it's least about shopping lol

- July 10th, Saturday, Los Angeles -

Carrying his girl bridal style into their room, Bang Chan kicked off the shiny shoes he wore, not caring in which part of the living area they'll end up. They entered the bedroom while kissing and Chan slowly and carefully laid Jia on the bed, her sequin dress shimmering in the full moonlight coming through the window. The sight of her was godly, making Chan's heart tighten and his lips crave hers. He laid himself on top of her, pushing his fingers through her styled hair, and erasing what was left of her lipstick with his kiss.

Bang Chan then straightened on his elbows, caressing Jia's cheek, "Are you alright? It's only the second day of your period and---"

"I'm fine," she smiled, kissing his fingers that held her face, "Food, tea, sleep, and medicine all helped me relieve the pain. Besides..." Jia raised her head to Chan's ear, "I eagerly want you to fuck my ass, babe..." she plopped down on the pillow again, meeting Chan's surprised expression - wide eyes and mouth slightly agape. Her hormones were running wild again. "They say orgasms help relieve the cramps, too. So... please?" Jia giggled and shrugged, playfully biting her fingernail.

"Jia..." Chan whispered her name but regained his senses and shook his head, pushing himself away from her and sitting on the bed, "No, no matter how much that turns me on, we can't do that. It'll hurt you and you're not prepared... I... I can't do that to you!"

He kept mumbling about how he got mad and how he can't let himself hurt Jia just because an old man pissed him off by insulting him, his friends, and Jia in just a few minutes' time.

"Chan..." Jia called him but he kept talking to himself, "Channie..." she put on a sweet voice but he still didn't turn so she rolled her eyes and moaned his name again, "Chris..."

Her moaning made him finally turn to see Jia still lying on the bed, biting the knuckle of her index finger seductively. He watched her other arm move between her legs and looked up at her again but Jia only bit her lip and flicked her index finger, letting a "ting" sound come from between her legs. Chan's eyes widened and she rang again.

"What did you...?" Chan whispered and Jia snickered.

"It's exactly what you think it is..." she bit her lower lip again, "I'm prepared."

"Are you sure?" Bang Chan asked seriously.

"I am. I want to try everything with you," Jia answered in the same matter, "But, please, be gentle," she smiled and that melted him.

Chan climbed back over Jia, kissing her lovingly over and over again.

"Oh, my love... You don't know how happy you make me..." he whispered, holding her face as their foreheads touched.

"I feel the same, Channie..." Jia replied, "Tonight, I want you to relax..."

"I'll try my best, love."


After a long shower, incorporated with lots of kisses as they caressed each other's wet, naked, and hot bodies, Jia (barely) pushed Bang Chan out of the bathroom in order for her to put in the new tampon and for him to prepare everything else.

She put on a white lacy thong and wearing just that exited the bathroom, watching Chan making the bed, completely naked. She watched that amazing man as he put a towel over the white sheets, various muscles on his back and arms tensing as he did so.

Bang Chan was turned with his back towards Jia and didn't hear her when she slowly walked to him, taking hold of his waist and gently kissing his back. He sighed in pleasure, letting his head fall back. Her little butterfly kisses were relaxing him but Chan let out another sigh, turned around, and kissed Jia on the lips once, then picked her up and carried her to the bed, laying her down gently while smiling and staring into her eyes. He gave her one quick peck on the lips before speaking up.

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