9. Shopping

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- June 18th (past midnight), Friday, New York City -

After returning from her first and most uncomfortable dinner with the group, Jia took a long shower in her hotel room and returned to her phone lighting up with many message notifications.

New orders from Bang Chan were sent.

New orders from Bang Chan were sent

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The messages were short and clear. There wasn't a need for him to go into heavy detail and they weren't exactly chat buddies who text each other all the time. It was late at night, Jia was tired but she had to reply to Chan at least something. And since he was still awake...

 And since he was still awake

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Jia's heart pounded heavily. She was still fresh out of the shower, wrapped in a big hotel towel, gripping it on her chest as her hand shook while she waited for Chan's reply.

But it never came - he left her on "read", reading her messages only a minute after they arrived.

Jia set the alarm for the morning and left her phone on the nightstand. She put on her pajamas, and with a tight feeling in her chest, she lay in her bed and closed her eyes. She didn't want to cry but a stray tear slid down her cheek and fell onto the pillow.


- June 18th (around 2 AM), Friday, New York City -

There was a knock on the door just when Chan finished packing his suitcase, closing the zipper. He opened to a very familiar freckled face and let his friend into his hotel room.

"Hey, Felix, wassup?" Chan asked in Australian English, his accent strong, making the younger man smile.

"I'm sorry for coming in this late, Chan, but there's something I wanted to tell you," Felix talked in Korean, standing by Chan's luggage while the older sat on his bed, nodding. They both washed their faces, put on their sweat wear, and were getting ready for bed but something bothered Felix that he had to come and have a talk with Bang Chan.

Chan patted the bed, inviting Felix to sit but the boy shook his head, "I'll be quick. You see... I talked to the boys and we all agreed on this..."

"On what?" Chan asked, already knowing what the matter was.

Wolf Prince and Liar Princess [BANG CHAN FF] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now