11. The hug

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- June 18th (night), Friday, Atlanta -

Bang Chan and Jia were left alone in the room again after wishing the other four guys a good night. She was still under Chan's "spell", her body couldn't recover from the kiss and his whispers... especially his last words. And Chan was, on the other hand, very calm and collected.

"I'll send you back to your hotel," Chan said, taking off his cap and ruffling his hair which was already dry and the curls had formed. It was a new look that Jia had never seen before (in person), and she liked it... but she was too embarrassed to tell him that.

After he finished a call with the driver, Chan walked out of the room, followed by Jia. They walked to the elevator in silence but once inside, Jia remembered something.

"Umm... Chan," she started, taking out the black card from her bag, "I forgot to return it to you, I'm sorry," she handed him the luxury card.

Chan eyed the plastic in her hand for a few seconds, then took it and silently put it in his shorts' pocket. He stood by the elevator door while Jia waited behind him, feeling a bit sad and disappointed by his coldness... after their passionate kissing just minutes ago. They got in the elevator, still not uttering a word to each other, and rode to the hotel garage.

What was she thinking - that Bang Chan, the leader of one of the most popular k-pop groups, will magically fall in love with her after just one kiss on the couch?

'There's no way that's happening! You're not in a k-drama, Jia!'

She was right but it still hurt her, especially since the kiss and his touch made her feel so great and... loved? 

Jia shook her head and the elevator door opened when they reached the hotel's underground garage. A driver, standing by the large black tinted car waited for them.

The ride to Jia's hotel was silent, as well, and the heat that she felt slowly cooled down. She sat beside Chan in the back seat and he stared out of the window the whole time.

The car, again, went to the underground garage and both Jia and Chan stepped out of it. He followed her to the entrance of the elevator.

"I'll text you the next instructions tomorrow," he finally spoke up and Jia turned to him, "Now, get some rest, it was a long day..." he scratched the back of his neck, looking away from her sad face.

"Bang Chan..." Jia called his full name after a few moments of silence. Their eyes met again and Jia made a small step forward, coming close to the man, "Can I... ask you something?"

"What is it?" he lowered his voice, watching her take another step towards him as she looked down at her feet.

"Can I... kiss you before I go?" she asked, looking up at his eyes in the shadow of the brim of his ball cap.

Jia slowly and carefully reached with both of her hands and touched his fingers. Chan's expression didn't change to this sudden delicate touch but Jia's face warmed up. She breathed in his cologne, the smell making her excited and hot again. But the feeling lasted only for a short second, as Bang Chan took a step back.

"No, you can't," he said with a flat tone of his voice, "Good night, Jia," he added before turning to go back to the car, leaving her alone in the quiet underground parking lot.

That night, Jia fell asleep feeling sad and heartbroken, touching her lips where he kissed her, and no matter how much she tried to convince herself that her relationship with Chan was strictly business, she was still disappointed. 

As for Bang Chan... he was lying on his bed, wide awake, for minutes before jumping off and going to the desk where his laptop was. He wanted to fight it off with work but it wasn't insomnia that was keeping him awake. He was annoyed, clearly at himself, for having these strange feelings squeezing his heart. Whenever he would close his eyes, the sweet taste of Jia's tongue, soft lips, and hot mouth would come back. On the thought of their kiss, Chan hit the top of the desk with his fist and buried his face in his hands right after.

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