58. Healing day

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Jia didn't come out of her apartment for a whole week. She wept endlessly over the loss of Jisung as if he really died... but it was her heart that died for him. She was so sad that she didn't want to meet anyone. She didn't reply to persistent text messages from the boys which stopped coming on day three of her isolation.

Chan went to the apartment when he had time, being so busy with the schedule and the approaching comeback the group had to focus on. He did come on the first day after Han left and soothed Jia, listening to her cries. She pledged that she loved him but her heart still hurt for losing Jisung.

Bang Chan wasn't mad at her. He was mad at himself for letting her tangle herself and her heart with the boys of Stray Kids. He did see it as fun and games at first and he admitted that he didn't think it through but there was no turning back now - the damage was done and he had to do everything to ease the situation for her.

Stray Kids' comeback was scheduled for mid-September and it pained him deeply that the schedule kept him away from Jia when she was hurting the most. He hoped that his occasional and short visits as well as calls and texts would help her. But what she needed was a proper healing of her feelings, mind, and heart. She needed to forget about everything (even though that was impossible) and have her heart settled only for him.

Bang Chan and the rest of SKZ agreed one day after practice that the boys' relationship with Jia had come to an end.

The guys were saddened (some showing it more than others) but they respected the leader's word and decision - they needed to prevent anything like the situation with Han from happening. And, along with Chan's decision, the boys had to respect Jia and her feelings as well.

Ultimately, Jia was removed from the group chat.

This game has gone way too far and Chan, as the first one who promised Jia his love, took responsibility to heal Jia so he will be the only one that will give love to her from now on.


- September 4th, Saturday, Seoul -

The apartment door clicked unlock and Jia slowly opened and closed her eyes, pulling the blanket over her head.

"Baby, it's me," came Chan's voice from downstairs and Jia only squeezed her eyes more, not wanting to meet his face.

Chan slowly came inside, looking around the apartment. Numerous sighs came out of his mouth as he saw the dirty kitchen with tons of unwashed dishes, a garbage can full of takeout containers, and barely any food in the fridge. Clothes were everywhere around the floor of the living room and bathroom, as well as on the staircase. He promised himself that he'll clean up later.

He sighed again and climbed up to Jia's bed. Seeing her all wrapped up, Chan sat on the bed and carefully caressed her body.

"Jia... Love, please look at me..." he called for her softly but no reply came. So Chan tried again. "My love, please come out. You know, I took a day off and cleared my schedule so we can do whatever you want. The best would be to go out. How does ice cream sound, hm?" Chan tried to sound cheerful but Jia didn't budge. "I'll take you out for lunch or cook something for you. You haven't had a proper meal in days. Please talk to me, babe..."

Another silent reply. After a few moments, Jia shuffled under the quilt and her tired face peeked out.

"You suck at cooking," she commented and Chan chuckled, coming to sit on the floor in front of her.

He pushed the cover a bit to caress her head. "How does Italian sound?"

Jia smiled weakly, pulling out her hand to make an iconic Italian gesture, "Molto bene," she said and kissed her fingers, both of them bursting into small laughter. Chan's eyes filled with tears and he stood up on his knees, coming to kiss her forehead.

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