31. Gym bros

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- July 15th, Thursday, Chicago -

Jia woke up to the sounds of rustling and voices. Opening her eyes, she saw Chan and Hyunjin packing the last night's "equipment", already dressed in different clothes. She watched them talking through today's schedule, snuggling more into the big soft pillow on her left. It contained Chan's smell and she inhaled as she watched him folding and storing away his white clothes. Memories of last night made her smile and she shifted her gaze to Hyunjin, and remembering how he kissed, painted, and fucked her, a tingle creeped in her still wet pussy.

"Hey there, handsome beings," Jia mumbled and they turned to her, stopping their talk and smiling at the sleepy woman.

Bang Chan approached and sat on the bed first, Hyunjin following after. And while Chan caressed her head, Hyunjin stroked her covered leg.

"How are you feeling, my love?" Bang Chan asked, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Amazing," he replied with a sigh and he nodded, "Can I get a kiss before you go?" Jia asked, looking at Chan and then Hyunjin and pursing her lips.

"Anything for you, princess," Hyunjin replied, climbing more onto the bed on Jia's right side and taking her hand to kiss it.

Bang Chan leaned down and kissed her lips shortly, gazing into her eyes after, "Last night... you were wonderful..." he whispered and Jia put her hand on his cheek, which Chan leaned into.

"Thank you for the experience, I guess," Jia chuckled and looked at Hyunjin who came closer to her.

"I would like to do it again but, sadly, we have to go," Hyunjin said, constructing a sad expression. Jia placed her right hand on Hyunjin's face and he turned his head to kiss her palm.

"That's right," Chan sighed and stood off the bed. Jia watched him return to the desk where his laptop and backpack were as Hyunjin kept kissing her hand, "It's the concert day, our second to last of the US tour, so tomorrow afternoon, we're flying to Seattle for the last concert on Sunday."

"It's over already?" Jia pouted, looking back at Hyunjin who nodded.

"Sadly, yes," Hyunjin answered but came closer to Jia's face, "But don't worry, princess, we can still have fun in Korea and, later, Japan," he smirked and kissed her lips, sneaking his hand under the covers to caress Jia's naked body on which she instinctively wiggled. He pushed his tongue into her mouth as he grabbed her boob, making her moan in the kiss.

Bang Chan watched their play for a few moments but decided to end it, coughing dramatically.

"Hyunjin, it's time to go," Chan said, his sentence being formal and the tone of his voice strict.

"Coming, Mr. Leader, sir!" Hyunjin said, staring into Jia's dark eyes and releasing her breast from his grip. They kept eye contact for a long time until Hyunjin came off the bed and stood beside the older male. 

Jia had to turn her head as Chan called her, "Jia, I'll see you after our meetings. Go take a shower and eat something," he still spoke with a flat tone and Jia wondered if he was angry, given the fact that he called her by her name.

But, she decided to play a joke on him, "I will, daddy, don't worry," she giggled and saw Chan frown while Hyunjin laughed.

Two men were soon out of the room and Jia stretched her body on the wide bed, letting out a content sigh.

"How did I ever get so lucky?" she spoke, giggling right after and rolling on the bed.

The rough touch of cotton on her ass made her hiss - her mind forgot about the continuous ass-slapping she received last night. But, aside from that, she wasn't feeling too sore. There was some dull pain but what's more, she was wet again, getting turned on just at the thought of two wonderful men fucking her senseless. Her arms, tied tightly just several hours ago, felt itchy but, luckily, had no red marks as they faded overnight.

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