35. It's complicated

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 - July 18th, around 3 AM, Sunday, Seattle -

Jia slowly woke up to the soft yet tickling sensation, and when there was something sucking on her skin, her eyes shot open and she looked down at where it came from. Han Jisung was sitting on the bed and between her legs. Seeing her awake, he put up his index finger to his smirking lips, amused at her surprised face. He held Jia's left leg and she noticed that her skin started turning red and getting spots on certain areas - he was giving her hickeys.

"What are you doing?" Jia whispered through her gritted teeth.

Jisung shrugged, "I can't sleep."

Minho, lying on Jia's left, was sound asleep. He was lying on his right side, his right arm folded under his head/pillow while his left hand resided on Jia's stomach, his fingers slightly touching the zircon chain. Han carefully took Lee Know's hand and removed it from Jia's body for him to climb over the girl and press his lips on her breasts. He immediately started sucking on the tender skin just above the nipple of her left boob, causing Jia to bite away the yelp as he was making another hickey. She put her right forearm over her mouth and bit onto it, that way making sure that teeth biting into her flesh will prevent her from moaning and waking up the man next to them.

When Jisung took her left nipple into his mouth to suck and lick it, Jia arched her back to him and started wiggling but he held her body down with his strong hands gripping her hips. He soon shifted his attention to her right boob, doing the same there. The rustling of the sheets under Jia made Lee Know mumble in his sleep and turn his back to them.

After the pause, making sure that Minho settled and continued to sleep, Han continued his work, his hands leaving her hips, gliding up over her stomach, and grabbing Jia's soft boobs. He looked up at her and smirked, pulling her arm away from her mouth, shaking his head, and with it telling her that he wanted to see and hear her.

Jia bit her lip and shortly glanced at sleeping Minho but Han only shrugged and sat up on his knees, taking a wrapper from the nightstand. He waved it to Jia and she nodded after a second of hesitation. Jisung smiled, his grin showing pride at Jia's agreement to the crazy idea of them fucking in the same bed where Lee Know was sleeping.

Jisung opened the condom package and slid the latex down his erection, falling back onto Jia and taking her lips. He slowly pushed in and they both had to contain their moans at the stretch and grip, as well as the hotness that their sexes emitted. Their slow fucking began and, after a few minutes, Minho turned to them again but still sleeping. Jisung and Jia kissed and fucked ever so slowly and the gentleness of the whole act messed up her brain... and heart... again.

They were both so invested in it and, again, created that fuzzy and comfortable bubble around them that blocked the real world out - nothing but them mattered. Nothing but their delicate kiss and their bodies fused together mattered. Jia was scared of her feelings toward Han Jisung but, again, decided not to overthink and just enjoy his... everything that he gave her.

"I'm interrupting your sweet love-making again, huh?" Minho's groggy voice came right next to them and they stopped, their bubble bursting. "Deja-vu, huh?" Minho smiled at Jia, watching her from his pillow but then frowned at Han, "You just couldn't contain yourself, huh, Han Jisung?"

"No," Jisung answered immediately, shaking his head.

"Well, then..." Minho sat up and grabbed the box, pulling out another wrapper, "Now I'm going to punish you for waking me up..." he sneered and grabbed Jia's arms, that action resulting in Han pulling out and sitting on the bed. Minho flipped Jia over to lay on him and pecked her lips.

"Minho..." she whispered, balling her fists on his chest.

Lee Know continued to smile, kissing her lips to relax her, "You were so into it, Jia, that you couldn't contain your sweet moans..." Minho snickered. Her voice woke him up and she didn't even realize it. "But don't worry baby, I'll prepare you good for your punishment..." he then took a bottle from the nightstand, squeezed the liquid, and immediately put two of his lubricated fingers into her asshole, making Jia let out a yelp of pain and surprise, and her head fall to Lee Know's chest.

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