10. Movie night

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- June 18th (afternoon), Friday, Atlanta -

"No can do," Chan threw Han's movie night idea out of the window, "We have rehearsals, meetings, and a sound check before the concert tomorrow. We're not on a vacation," he said stoically, standing up from the floor, "Now, I'll ask you all to leave so that I can finish the song production."

"A movie or two won't kill us," Felix added with a smile, looking up at Chan from the floor, composing a pouty puppy face. Everyone looked at Felix and then back at Chan, forming the same facial expression, "We can invite Jia, as well," Felix added, pointing at her.

"Absolutely not!" Chan shook his head, going to his desk where his laptop was laid open.

"I-I'll go now..." Jia started, slowly standing up.

"No, sit back down!" Changbin's voice surprised everyone as he stood up and went to Chan, "The girl went all around the town for hours, came back with a pile of bags, and bought us candy. The least we can do is let her relax with a movie. Stop being so strict, just for the night, Chan."

"I agree with Changbin," Hyunjin stood up next, reaching with his hand to Jia. She took it and slowly stood up. Hyunjin's touch was delicate, making her cheeks warm and her stomach nervous, "You've been pushing her too hard, hyung. Give the girl a break," Hyunjin's thumb caressed the back of Jia's hand and Chan noticed that move. It strangely annoyed him.

Soon, other men stood up and supported the three who spoke up against Chan's strict behavior.

"Alright, fine..." Chan let out a sigh of defeat. Sometimes he had to let them win.

The Kids rejoiced and, in all that happiness, Jia was pulled into Hyunjin's embrace. His hug was tight, he smelled so nice, and Jia just didn't know what to do in the tall man's arms. Luckily, the hug broke fast, and Hyunjin joined the cheering boys, leaving Jia dumbfounded. She immediately looked at Chan whose piercing gaze instantly froze her to the bone.

It wasn't her fault, though, she really didn't have any intentions of staying to watch the movie with them (she was dead tired), and she definitely didn't initiate the hug with Hyunjin (she didn't even respond to the hug). So, why was she feeling guilty, then?

"Oh, Jia!" Han's voice pulled Jia out of her thoughts and she looked at his smiling face, "Would you like to join us for lunch?"

"B-but, you just ate," she commented but they ignored it.

"Whoa, it's that time already?" Minho looked down at his watch.

"Yes. Let us treat you like a princess today," Hyunjin smiled, extending his arm to Jia, like a prince asking for the lady's hand.

"You're teasing me right now..." Jia had to be careful; she could still feel Chan's glare on her back. He followed her every word and move, and what she'll say or do next with Hyunjin was crucial. 

 Her statement left Hyunjin shocked and offended.

"What? No way you're thinking that!" he let out a dramatic gasp, then took Jia's hand, and made the first move, "After all the trouble you went through to buy us all we wanted, all we want now is for you to feel special in return, as a thank you for everything," Hyunjin's smile was dangerous, his touch soft, his whole aura captivating, so Jia really had to be careful.

"Let's go already!" Changbin shouted, already at the door, "I'm hungry!"

"You're always hungry!" Felix shouted back and everyone laughed.

Others followed the hungry man and, with her hand still in his, Hyunjin pulled Jia out, as well. She turned her head and saw Chan, standing in the same place, by the desk, glaring. She was scared but, again, there was nothing she could do as Hyunjin dragged her out of the room.

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