38. Sleepover

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- July 24th (night), Saturday, Seoul - 

By the time Jia and Changbin exited his room, four boys from the other dorm were gone, Han and Chan were sitting on the floor in front of the TV, playing FIFA, and Hyunjin was sitting on the sofa, scrolling his phone. The black-haired male noticed the two first and chuckled.

"Well, if it ain't our genius rapper and his... stress reliever..." Hyunjin eyed Jia who rolled her eyes, going to the kitchen to wash the empty bowl, "So, how was dinner?" Hyunjin asked, the question directed to both of them, but they ignored it.

Changbin sat on the second sofa, watching the game that Han and Chan played, and grabbed a can of Coca-Cola sitting on the table, while Jia washed the empty dish.

The question lingered in the air until Jia returned to the living room and leaned with her arms on the back of the sofa Changbin sat at. She smirked at Hyunjin who still waited for an answer, watching as Jia slid her hands down Changbin's shoulders and to his chest, resting her chin on top of his head.

"I hope Changbin liked my fried rice because I sure liked my dinner... it was very delicious," she finally answered while licking her lips, making Changbin choke on his soda, Hyunjin laugh (which Chan followed), and Han shooting her a surprised wide-eyed look.

Jia patted Changbin on the back to calm his cough. Bang Chan let down the controller and stood up from the floor, coming to Jia and taking her hand away from smacking Changbin's back. He kissed it, wrapping his other arm around her lower back.

"Well done, princess," Chan said, kissing her nose, "I'm sure Binnie will write masterpieces after this," he smiled and Jia followed. But then he let go of her hand, reaching down and between her legs, causing Jia to let out a surprised gasp, "But what about you, hm?" Chan's eyes sharpened and Jia recognized that gaze - it was one that "Christopher" would wear. "Did sucking Bin make you wet? I know it did..." he lowered his voice, answering his question and glaring directly into her eyes, as he kept rubbing her over the fabric of her blue jeans shorts.

"Chris..." Jia moaned to his switched personality slightly as his fingers found her clit, her fingers now gripping his black t-shirt. But then she smirked, remembering something. She loosened the grip, with her hands straightening the fabric of his shirt that her crumpled, "Oh yeah... Just like we didn't do it in my parents' house, we're not going to fuck in your dorm either."

"Why not...?" a sudden third voice came behind Jia and she felt slim arms wrapping around her belly from behind, those long fingers pushing under her pink top until they reached her boobs. Soft plump lips kissed her neck and her head fell back on his shoulder instinctively, her eyes closing to the sensation both men were giving her. Jia felt amazing in the hands of these two men specifically, one fondling her boobs while the other rubbed her clothed pussy.

"Jinnie..." Jia whispered, feeling his boner poking her butt as he rubbed himself onto her.

"Hmm?" Hyunjin hummed against her neck, continuously kissing her hot skin.

"I... I need to go home..." Jia muttered, feeling Hyunjin's hands rising her top, with her not wearing a bra making it easier for him to play with her breasts, holding them for the leader to lean down and begin sucking her stiffened nipple.

"You're not going anywhere," Chris smirked before returning to torture her nipple with his tongue, teeth, and lips as his fingers never stopped pressing and rubbing her crotch.

"Hey, you three..." Han whimpered from the floor, both him and Changbin watching the erotic scene in front of them that didn't stop even with his complaining.

The two spectators adjusted their rising penises over their pants as the sexy play continued in front of them, Jia's sexy soft moans making them gulp, wanting her.

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