54. Pairings Bingo

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- August 10th, Tuesday, Seoul -

Jia telling her parents the decision to move into the apartment Chan rented didn't go quite well during breakfast. As much as her father supported the idea, her mother opposed it with every nerve in her body. Constant arguing with her mother tired Jia out and made her stomach hurt, but she stood firm in her decision to move out of her parents' house.

Her mother nagged through breakfast and continued all until Chan rang the doorbell. Then she turned into a sweet and caring mother, asking Chan to "look after her baby". Jia rolled her eyes at her mother's fake behavior, knowing that she'll bombard her with calls and messages later.

And Jia could finally breathe easier when her large black suitcase slid through the doorframe of her new apartment. She still gripped her stomach, barely walking inside.

She plopped on the sofa, grunting, "Channie... can you make me some tea, please?" she asked as he pushed her suitcase inside. "My mom just doesn't give up. She nagged so much that my stomach hurts now. I can't deal with her anymore."

Bang Chan chuckled and came to Jia, kissing her forehead, "Of course, love. Just relax."

Jia thanked him and took another deep breath but, feeling something strange in her crotch, jumped from the bed and ran to the bathroom. A few minutes later, she came out sulking.

Chan chuckled, "Hey, what's the matter? Are you okay?"

Jia sat in the chair at the white dining table and sighed, "Yeah... I just got my period."

Chan laughed more, "Oh, baby..." he waddled to her, hugging her tight, "Congratulations."

She pushed him away, "What do you mean 'congratulations'? I'm bleeding from my cooch!"

But Chan laughed harder, "It only means that the pill is working and you're making progress. Plus, you're not pregnant."

Jia paused to think and sighed again, "Yeah... I guess you're right. But it hurts so bad that I just want to lay in bed and do nothing."

"Then do that and don't worry about a thing," Chan crouched down next to her, taking her hand in his and watching her under the black hoodie he was wearing on his head, "You're doing great, Jia. I'll go buy you snacks, maybe some chocolate?" he tilted his head and she nodded, pouting her lip, "I'll grab some painkillers and you can order take out. Just rest for the day, okay?" she nodded again and Chan picked her hands up to kiss them, "I also wanted to tell you that I love you," Jia smiled, "And that the boys and I will be busy for at least five days, going to Itaewon to film SKZ CODE. I'm sorry that I can't be with you when you're not feeling well but I'll text you a lot."

Jia smiled more and put her hand on Chan's cheek, "I understand, baby. Your schedule is important. Don't worry about me. If anything, I'll call my dad. But it's just period pain so I'll be fine."

Chan knelt and raised his body up to kiss Jia's forehead, "You're absolutely the best, Jia. Uh, I love you so much."

She giggled and hooked her arms around his neck, letting Chan pick her up and carry her upstairs where the big soft bed was. He laid her down gently and kissed her just as lovingly, caressing her pained stomach. He tucked her in and stood up, running back down, making tea, and bringing it up to her, telling her that he'll be back shortly after he was done buying everything she needed.

And by the time Bang Chan was back, Jia was already asleep, not even taking a sip of the chamomile tea he made earlier. He left the bags with snacks and medicine by her bed and kissed her head, whispering sweet words of love before he exited the apartment.

Chan left a cute text for after she woke up.

Chan left a cute text for after she woke up

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