34. Dancer

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- July 17th, 9 PM, Saturday, Seattle -

Jia sat still, the bedsheet pulled up to her chin, not moving a muscle as she watched sweaty Lee Know taking off his shirt and wiping his torso with it. She gulped her gathered saliva and waited.

"So, the leader is busy and he sent you to play with Han Jisung? While also knowing that I am his roommate..." Lee Know scoffed, punctuating certain words and watching Jia with his hands on his hips as if he was judging her... all shirtless and hot.

Seeing Jia sitting frozen like a rock, her eyes wide and not looking away from Lee Know, Han slowly approached her and placed his palm on her right cheek, bringing her eyes to him.

"Hey there, pretty girl..." Jisung smiled at her and Jia fell on his naked chest, burying her face away from Minho. "Oh, baby, what's the matter, hm?" he hummed, caressing her ash-blonde hair and kissing her temple.

"I'm..." Jia mumbled and Lee Know sat on the edge of Han's bed, watching her hug the younger man.

"Don't say you're not ready, Jia... Cause I know you are," Minho raised an eyebrow and Jia slowly moved her head to look at him. "I just so happened to have heard that you already experienced double penetration and that you can handle it very well," he talked proudly and Jia tensed up, feeling her face burning in embarrassment.

These guys seriously don't keep anything from each other.

"I heard that too," Jisung cooed and Jia looked up at him and his pouty lips slowly leaning down to kiss her nose as his hand still played with her hair to try and ease her nervousness. "I promise we'll treat you well, baby, don't worry," his wide smile and gentle touch really did ease her fear.

Jia looked back at Lee Know again - he was smiling sweetly, no longer smirking as if he had an evil plan on his mind, sitting shirtless, wearing only his dark-gray sweatpants, with his forearms on his knees, and staring Jia directly in the eye. His gaze was relaxed now so she relaxed too and sat up, parting from Han.

Two men watched her as if she was hypnotized, her eyes not leaving Lee Know's smiling face. She let the sheet fall from her body and Minho's smile widened, his eyes falling to her breasts. No one said a thing but Jia moved on her own, crawling to Lee Know. He straightened up and turned his upper body to her, welcoming Jia on his chest. She gently placed her hand on his left chest muscle, feeling the hot skin under her palm, and sat closer to him, not for a second breaking their eye contact.

"What do you want, princess?" Minho whispered, leaning his face to hers and now staring at her lips.

But Jia didn't answer his question. Instead, she tilted her head and placed her other hand on Minho's shoulder, pulling herself up to his lips. When her lips touched his, her hand left his shoulder and slid up for her fingers to entwine themselves into Minho's damp hair. And he didn't sit there for nothing - his hands found their way and held Jia's waist, tugging on the belly chain and pulling her closer to him. Then his right hand released the chain and went straight between her legs, his fingertips feeling her soaking wet cunt.

"Oh, dear Jia... you're so so wet," Minho smirked.

"That's what I said, too," Han smiled proudly and came behind Jia, caressing her naked ass and planting small kisses on her shoulders.

"Did you two shower?" Minho looked up and they shook their heads. "Disgusting," he grimaced but smirked again, "but perfect. Let's go."

He took Jia's hand, standing her up from the bed. Two naked people followed him to the bathroom like ducklings following their mamma duck. Minho kissed her hand and told Jia to adjust the water while he gets undressed. When she turned her back to them, Lee Know looked at Han and the younger understood the message just from his gaze and wide smile, nodding in agreement.

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