22. In the desert

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- July 5th (afternoon), Monday, Las Vegas -

After a round of quick sex (where Chan let Jia orgasm and saved his own for later), Jia took another quick shower and slipped into that frilly white dress that Chan loved seeing on her back in Miami (her only owned clothing piece he let her keep), and put on her new cute beige sandals, wrapping the leather straps along her calves. She finished the look with a cute straw hat that had a white ribbon wrapped around it and, satisfied with her outfit, took her small beige purse and exited the room, leaving a messy bed for the housekeeping maids. She giggled at it, remembering Chan's wild sex drive and how he made her feel good ever since last night... and the whole morning.

Bang Chan told her to meet him in front of the hotel after getting ready. She still didn't know what he planned for them but she was ready for anything if it was with Bang Chan. The smile formed on her lips instinctively - she was truly happy to have him as a lover.

Walking down the hallway, Jia didn't hear any noise from the other boys' rooms so she wondered what they were doing. They were probably out playing just as Chan said, she thought.

Exiting the elevator in the hotel lobby, Jia's ears were filled with familiar voices mixing at the hotel entrance. She saw the SKZ boys and approached the loud group.

"Holy shit, Chan, where did you get that beast?" Jia heard Changbin.

"Such an old-timer must be super rare!" Han added.

"Hey, boys. What's all the commotion about?" Jia spoke behind the group and they all turned to her, now completely silent. Many of them were speechless at how good she looked (their eyes raking her body) and how sweet she smelled, as her perfume filled the space around them.

"Oh, here's my lovely girlfriend!" Jia looked away from the boys and saw Chan approaching her, his arms open wide. He was wearing blue jeans, ripped on his knees and black boots, paired with a white Celine sleeveless shirt and a pair of Ray-Ban sunglasses sitting on his head, tangled in his silky dark hair.

Jia flew right into his arms, meeting his lips in a kiss while Chan closed the hug, pulling her body to him. They (mostly Jia) were now more comfortable with kissing in front of the boys and didn't hesitate to be extra passionate. By the time they were done with this long heated kiss, the other seven members of Stray Kids went back into the hotel in search to find something to entertain themselves with.

"Where are we going, Chan?" Jia asked, breaking the kiss first.

Bang Chan kissed her nose, "First, we're gonna go and eat something," he turned her around and pushed her back into the hotel.

"I have a feeling that you're hiding something..." Jia raised an eyebrow and Chan laughed, coming next to her and taking her hand in his.

"I can't say that I'm not..." he didn't want to meet Jia's curious eyes, trying hard to look somewhere else, "I guess you have to wait a bit for your surprise..." his ears were getting red and his nervous laugh giving him away. Bang Chan was so bad at keeping secrets.


Bang Chan and Jia had a late breakfast (now lunch), eating just enough to satisfy their hunger. They really used up a lot of energy... in their hotel room and bathroom.

"Are you ready for our date, princess?" Bang Chan asked, tucking a strand of Jia's hair behind her ear as she was sipping on the cold lemonade through a paper straw.

"We're going on a date?" Jia's surprised gasp and wide eyes made Chan laugh as he nodded, taking a hold of her hand. "Oh, yeah! I'm so ready!" she added excitedly.

Wolf Prince and Liar Princess [BANG CHAN FF] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now