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- July 18th (night), Sunday, Seattle -

Holding hands while sitting in the back seat of the car, Bang Chan and Jia kissed on their way back to the hotel. Those kisses were loving and romantic, not in the slightest sexual and lustful, and Jia didn't have to straddle him this time but only kept the palm of her hand on his cheek while sitting beside him.

"So, what are we now?" she whispered, parting from Chan's lips.

"A couple?" Chan tilted his head and laughed, his smile causing Jia to smile herself, caressing his dimple with her thumb.

"So, you're telling me that I'm officially, yet secretly, dating Bang Chan, the leader of Stray Kids, one of the most popular K-pop groups?" she talked and Chan kept nodding at her every word.

"Exactly like that, my love," he answered, bringing her hands up to kiss them.

"We're so screwed..." Jia laughed but Chan shook his head.

"Just keep doing everything just the way you've done it so far and it will be okay, I promise," he smiled and kissed her hands again.

"If you say so," Jia shrugged but returned to kiss Bang Chan as the car approached their hotel.

That night, they had the most sensual romantic sex so far, finally settling their feelings for each other, and finally being able to tell each other just how much they loved one another.

"I love you," Bang Chan said first, panting after their joined orgasm, his sweating face graced with the most beautiful smile while he lay on top of Jia, caressing her warm face.

"I love you too," Jia replied, her grip on his tense biceps tightening as her eyes teared up.

But Chan was there to kiss those tears away, hug her close, and whisper sweet nothings until she fell asleep, with her heart freed from the chains of keeping her feelings locked.

Bang Chan could finally open his heart too and not hide or mask his feelings for Jia. He felt light and happy as if a huge stone rock fell off his chest.

They were sexually attracted to one another - yes - but, most importantly, they desired each other's presence, hug, and touch which were comforting and highly needed. And, just like how Chan wanted to protect Jia, she wanted to protect him too - she wanted to be with him in both of his brightest and darkest times.

That night, wrapped in each other's arms, Chan and Jia slept peacefully, and it will be a night they'll both remember for the rest of their lives.


- July 19th (early morning), Monday, Seattle -

"Channie... I don't think this is the best idea..." Jia whispered under her mask, standing right next to Bang Chan in the check-up line at the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport.

"Nothing will happen, trust me," he whispered back, suppressing the urge to hold her hand.

Jia's heart was pounding in her chest and she could clearly hear it in her ears. Fans and reporters with cameras were everywhere and she had to act as one of SKZ's staff again and walk along with them to board the airplane. She gripped the strap of her cross bag nervously, breathing rapidly as they passed the crowd, their security pushing the girls with cameras and phones flashing into boys' faces. Jia kept her head low and just walked, praying that she won't trip and fall as her legs threatened to give up as to how nervous she was.

She walked next to Chan but then behind him with two other staff members - make-up artists Harin and Sua. Whenever Jia was backstage, she saw that Harin worked on Chan's make-up and Sua on Lee Know's, admiring their skilled hands and precise work, often helping them. They were both very beautiful, both two years older than her, and a great help whenever she needed it while working in the dressing room. All the girls in SKZ staff were friends and they treated Jia as such too, which mattered to her the most.

Wolf Prince and Liar Princess [BANG CHAN FF] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now