25. Not Drive... but close

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- July 7th (night), Wednesday, Los Angeles -

No matter how much she tried to reach both Bang Chan and Lee Know, neither of them was answering her calls and texts.

Hours until the concert's end were agonizing!

Jia ordered room service but didn't have the appetite, even though her dinner smelled so delicious. She felt cold in thin silk so she put the big gray and fuzzy bathrobe over the sexy silky one. Her stomach was anxiously twisting and turning and nothing could calm her. The idea of ordering champagne or a cocktail came to her mind, remembering how horny and "relaxed" she was with Minho in the nightclub, but her stomach warned her that alcohol was a bad idea.

She couldn't even take a nap - she was constantly thinking of how stupid she was, not checking who was she writing to. Jia also thought of how Chan might have reacted when Lee Know showed him the messages.

She covered her face and talked into her hands, "Knowing Minho, he most likely showed the messages to others..."

No, he didn't, only to Bang Chan.

"And now they're laughing at me..."

No, they aren't. What those two are doing is discussing "ideas".

Jia took the big pillow and screamed into it. Then she threw it on the floor and marched into the bathroom to take a shower and hopefully calm down.

Walking into the shower cabin, Jia remembered her sexting with Chan and her hand instinctively reached down. She let the water shower her as she rubbed her center, imagining him being next to her, touching and kissing her. But, suddenly, Lee Know's face flashed in her mind and she stopped, falling to her knees on the wet tile floor of the shower.

Jia's heart raced and she was feeling hot. Her core tingled and all she wanted was for Bang Chan to return.


- July 7th (11:15 PM), Wednesday, Los Angeles -

The night view of the city was beautiful from the hotel room window. All those small glistering lights reflected themselves in Jia's eyes as she silently stared at the lively city, getting lost in that ocean of small sparkling lights.

She was sitting on the edge of the TV cabinet, dressed in a thin silk bathrobe, not moving a muscle, completely mesmerized by the city lights as well as Stray Kids' "3rd Eye", a song that pulled her deeper into nothingness the more she listened to it. Heavy lyrics and calming melody kept coming from the TV speakers on repeat for over an hour already. Jia closed her eyes and leaned her head on the wall behind her. She wanted to ease her stress over texting Minho but didn't know that a song would make her completely numb.

In certain situations, she needed a 3rd eye herself...

Jia heard the room door opening and some voices that silenced in a second, just when Changbin started his part in the second verse. Turning her head to the left, as Seungmin sang the chorus, Jia saw Bang Chan and Lee Know standing confused by the door opening, still dressed in their concert clothes.

Chan, seeing her expressionless face, as if she fell into a trance, came to Jia and knelt, taking her cold hands in his. Noticing her cold fingers, he placed his other hand on her knee. Her whole body was cold.

"Jia... baby... Is there something wrong?" Chan asked and she finally looked down at him with her cloudy eyes, worry written all over his face.

She pushed a weak smile and shook her head. Bang Chan stood up and took her small body into his arms. Only then did he notice that her hair was damp.

Wolf Prince and Liar Princess [BANG CHAN FF] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now