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He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. The voices whispering incessantly fell out. Damn, he had been too close to others. A frustrated sound came over his lips and he would have loved to hit his skull against the wall.

There was only one way to bring them back to silence. He took a deep breath. If Nix hadn't made this discovery more than two hundred years ago, he would probably have been in the afterworld long ago. He took a deep breath and let the melody whirr through his head, then he let it set in.

His voice sounded clear and bright. The room began to vibrate and the voices in his head slowly fell silent. With every note he regained a moment of peace. No matter what you might say about the humans, they perfectly expressed their own helplessness and torment with their songs. It was as if the singer of Three Days Grace knew exactly how he was feeling.

The emotions stirred up and he put everything into the song that wandered over his lips. His voice filled the room and for a moment he forgot all the pain, all the suffering he had endured for so long now.

As he sang, a thought crept into his head. At some point I will walk over the abyss and the end will greet me. He knew he was dangerously close to the abyss. The Nix before him hadn't lasted that long, but he too was slowly reaching his limits.

"Lost inside my head, I open up the door..."

It wasn't the voices of the fate of people that drove him so mad, it was the lack of closeness – physical closeness. When he approached others, he constantly heard the voices of their fate. They whispered what would happen to them.

"Too much devastation in my world I hide..."

All these threads came together in one hand, the one who determined the fate of everyone. And Nix was their mouthpiece – to his own chagrin. He hadn't chosen that, no, no one would choose that. It was forced upon him. But no one could defend themselves against fate, no one.

"Step right off the ledge into the abyss..."

Would he accommodate the abyss today? Nix was tired. But something still held him back. It wasn't the thought of enduring longer, of fulfilling a big task. No, it was a dishonorable thought – I'll show you my middle finger, fate. Because he would do what everyone else before him couldn't do. He would bond with another.

Maybe that would finally give him the peace he needed. For this, he would follow a path that no one had expected of him. He would change fate himself – as I said, middle finger.

With the last syllable of the song, the voices finally fell silent and calm returned to the room, at least for a short time. His head fell to the side and he just fell asleep, in a completely curved posture on his oh-so-great throne, which he would love to burn down. He slipped into a troubled dream and traveled to his past.

Dayan the watchdog stood at the door to the throne room. He had been standing there for an hour but hadn't moved a millimeter. How? Nix' voice had captivated him, made him his slave. Like a shackle, it had wrapped itself around his limbs and taken away all control of his body.

This has always been the case and would never change. With a smile, he thought back to his first meeting with Nix. Who could have guessed at the time what cruel plans fate would have for his best friend.

Nix - a fateful kiss (Vol.3) ✅️Where stories live. Discover now