Chapter 34

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The next time he opened his eyes, a deep darkness shone before him. Nothing. Is this death? An endless emptiness?

"Open your eyes, Lyric," he heard Tori's voice.

What does he mean? My eyes are open. Suddenly, light penetrated into the darkness. The entire environment began to flicker, to move, to take shape. Houses appeared, trees and plants grew out of the earthy ground on which he now stood. It took him a few minutes to grasp it. That is not possible. He turned around and looked at the house he was standing in front of. "Impossible."

Tori stood next to him. "So this is your home?" he said with a smile.

Lyric stood in front of his parents' house in his village. "That can't be. The village was destroyed. The attack-", then he broke off. He stood in his old home, the village where he had grown up. It all looked exactly as it had been before the attack. His memory of this was crystal clear before him. If I'm here in my village before it was destroyed, then...

"Ilyric?" a bright, female voice sounded.

Lyric whirled around and his eyes widened with disbelief. Long silver hair and obsidian-black eyes with the characteristic silver ring looked at him – his exact carbon copy. The woman came up to him and put her hand on his cheek. He felt her warm, soothing touch.

"Darling, is it really you?" the slightly smaller demon asked.


The female demon began to smile, pulled him into a stormy embrace and began to cry. "Oh my son, it's really you!" she sobbed.

Lyric stood there as if frozen, he didn't know what happened to him. Was that really his mother? That is not possible, she died. Then he finally understood. He returned his mother's hug and began to cry as well.

"Yes, mother, it's me."

So they stood there for a while until a strange male voice interrupted them. "Darling, is everything alright?"

Lyric looked up and looked into the male face with hard edges, so different from his mother's and yet unmistakable. "Father?"

The demon with the short, gray hair and blue eyes looked at him in surprise. "Ilyric?" he asked in a trembling voice.

Lyric cautiously broke away from his mother. Without warning, he approached the rune demon and closed him tightly in a hug. "Yes, father."

After a short hesitation, he returned his embrace. Lyric was at home, with his parents in his village.

"Darling, come in first, then we can talk in peace," his mother said and Lyric nodded.

"Where is the... Guardian?" his father asked with a nervous expression. Only now did he realize that Tori was no longer there.

Talk to your family first. I will join you soon.

Tori's voice seemed to speak only in his head, for his parents stood in front of him with a questioning look. "He's coming later," Lyric said, which seemed to reassure his parents. Why do they behave so strangely? But his mother had grabbed his hand and dragged him into their house. He was immediately greeted by the familiar warmth and atmosphere that he had not felt for centuries.

He looked to the right and saw the common room with the large mountain of pillows in the middle, where he and his mother had always slept. Everything has remained the same, only I am the only one who is no longer the same. At that moment he knew that he didn't belong here. He was overjoyed to see his parents again, but he knew he couldn't stay here.

A touch on his cheek tore him out of his thoughts. "Darling, are you alright?" his mother asked him in a worried voice.

Lyric nodded and took her hand. He pressed a kiss on which we said, "I'm fine. I'm just a little overwhelmed."

Nix - a fateful kiss (Vol.3) ✅️Where stories live. Discover now