Chapter 10

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The moment he said it, he could have beaten himself. What are you doing, you idiot?

He saw Nix disappear into the washroom in a good mood while he remained seated. What do I even want?

They had just shared an emotional moment and he had felt connected to him. Like Lyric, he wore a curse, wasn't able to be close to anyone. Would sex between them be a solution? Would he feel better? Nix didn't know what he was missing, because he didn't know it. He didn't know the closeness, the deep emotions, the bond that two could share with each other. He had slept with others before his curse without having deep feelings, so why was he worried? Shouldn't he be glad that fate gave him this chance?

Again Lyric was at the start of the spiral, what did he want? Did he really want sex? Why had he let Nix take him by surprise? Was it simply the vision the oracle had? Is it my destiny to be with him?

No, he had agreed for another reason. It had been the look in Nix' eyes. Lyric couldn't touch anyone or stay too long near others, but the protective spell allowed him at least a certain closeness. Nix was completely isolated.

"I need you. You are my... buffer. My haven of peace."

Was it a coincidence that Nix showed no signs of his curse and that Lyric suppressed the voices in his head? Was Lyric really destined to be close to Nix?

But how close is close? Nix' words were clear. Lyric had just been on the road with this demon for two days and he was completely confused. This demon was different from what he had imagined. He had seen so many facets of him during that time, and he felt something like affection for him. But that wasn't love. They weren't deep feelings, but he couldn't name what exactly it was.

At the same time, he was also afraid to find out what that might be. Sighing, he lay down on his back, staring at the ceiling. "Why are you actually worried? It's just sex. You've done it in the past." He talked to himself, but no one would answer him.

At that moment, Nix' gaze came to mind again. Was this longing really just the desire for physical closeness? Did Lyric even want more?

Hell, stop giving yourself hope. There is no heart for you, as well there isn't one for Nix. But why should they abstain from the rest? He wanted to explore this something more closely, this feeling that he had had since meeting Nix in Astaroth's home. He had been fascinated from the beginning, but when he touched Nix, something had happened. Lyric didn't know why, but his inner demon had growled. It has never done that before.

If I can touch him, if the curse really doesn't work, then maybe there is hope for me. And that's exactly what he would do. He would find out why Nix was special and whether he was immune or not.

His inner demon growled. You want him, don't you? A silent approval was given, although he had remained silent for so long.


Feelings, romance, love at first sight. I know many people hope that it will be the absolute romantic happiness that will give rise to a lot of feelings, but I ask you a question.

How can two people who suppress their feelings for years, who have resigned themselves to loneliness, fall in love with each other?

You will receive an answer to this over time. =)

Your Mouse Goddess

Nix came out of the shower and looked at Lyric. He saw it in his face – he struggled. Had he been too hasty?

As he washed himself, he had calmed down and the excitement had flattened out a bit. You're forcing him to do something, you're taking advantage of his situation.

Nix - a fateful kiss (Vol.3) ✅️Where stories live. Discover now