Chapter 17 (smut-scene)

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Nix nibbled on Lyric impatiently. I want him. Now. He didn't want to wait, his body coveted that of the rune demon, longing for his touch.

"You naughty little demon," rumbled from Lyric's chest.

He provoked him and pushed him to the brink of self-control. Time to teach him a little lesson. So Lyric took the oracle and turned him swiftly onto his stomach. He held his arms in front of him and slowly rubbed his hard bump over Nix' butt. Then he nibbled on his ear and whispered, "You know the conditions, Latíz." He had deliberately used Nix' birth name.

Nix growled. But he knew he would only get what he wanted if he submitted to Lyric. So he obeyed and lay down, waiting to see what he would command him.

Lyric smiled. He ran his tongue over Nix' neck and drove a fang over the sensitive skin, which elicited a moan from his oracle. Then he straightened up and let go of Nix.

"Turn around," he commanded, watching as Nix straightened up and slowly placed himself in front of him with erotic movements, his gaze focused on Lyric's hardness. He licked his lips. I want to touch it. A growl escaped him and Lyric smiled knowingly.

"Do you want to touch it?" he asked the oracle. Surprise appeared on his face and he nodded. "Well, then kneel down. You are allowed to touch it, but not with your hands."

Nix' pulse accelerated and he became hot. As if in a trance, he knelt before the demon, his eyes pointed expectantly upwards. He was now only a few inches away from Lyric's penis.

Lyric's fingers gently stroked Nix' cheek and drove towards his mouth. With his thumb, he applied slight pressure to his lower lip, so he willingly opened his mouth. "Show me what you have learned, little butterfly," the demon said with a wicked voice and glowing look.

Nix knew what he was alluding to. I will enjoy this. Then he once licked over Lyric's dick from the base to the tip. Lyric breathed in sharply and the oracle repeated it again. Nix sighed as the spicy taste burned in his mouth.

"Carefully put it in your mouth as far as you are comfortable and suck on it," the demon instructed him. He carefully took in the hardness until he felt that he had reached a limit and sucked on it.

The rune demon closed his eyes and groaned. Nix withdrew to the head and repeated the movement, trying to take him in a little deeper. So he continued to torture the demon. His own hand wandered to his own hard cock to rub it.

"Ah, ah, ah. Hands off. I didn't allow you to touch yourself."

Nix growled and Lyric withdrew from his wet mouth.

"Lie on your back and spread your legs with your hands."

Reluctantly, he obeyed the demon. He took his own thighs and pulled them aside to expose himself completely. His hard cock throbbed, begging for attention.

Lyric took a pillow and placed it under Nix' butt for better visibility and what a view it was. With his index finger, he stroked Nix' entrance and his wetness stuck to it. He led the honey to his mouth and licked his finger. Delicious. Nix trembled and bit his lip.

"You wanted to touch yourself. Play with your nipples," he instructed him.

"My... nipples?" he asked in a trembling voice.

"Play with them, little butterfly."

He carefully lifted his hands from his thighs and went to his chest. He stroked his own nipples and shuddered.

"Sweet demon. Now I want to reward you."

Reward. How will he reward me? His eyes glowed and followed the path of his fingers from his stomach to his crotch. But he wandered by and an impatient growl sprang from his chest. They continued to wander until they arrived in front of his wet entrance. Then a finger penetrated him. Nix gasped, as the finger wandered deep into him and rubbed his innermost part.

Nix - a fateful kiss (Vol.3) ✅️Where stories live. Discover now