Chapter 27

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Hot tears dripped on Lyric's chest as he fell silent. It wasn't only his own which soaked the bed, but also those of his oracle. It had been more emotional than he had assumed. After all these years, Lyric had actually thought that he had come to terms with it.

"That's not fair. You didn't do anything wrong. You only chose your freedom to love the one you want," Nix whispered. Nix' heart felt as if it had been pierced by hundreds of daggers. This demon had deprived Lyric of the chance for a happy future, for physical closeness and for a bond. That's not okay. He has had to endure so much.

"Nix, life is not fair. Terrible things happen every day, that's just the way it is. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time one evening. I could have waited for reinforcements, I could have decided against going to the event. I had made a decision and now I have to live with the consequences. There were many chances to avert my fate. I could have tied the knot with him, but I didn't."

Nix straightened up and looked at Lyric with swollen eyes. "Why not? Why didn't you just do it?" he asked desperately.

Lyric just smiled and stroked his cheek. "Because I will entrust a part of my soul only to my heart. Because I only give myself to those who mean something to me. That is my decision and I don't regret it," he replied in a soft voice.

Carefully, the oracle took his hand and pressed a kiss into the palm of his hand. "So then I'm worth being with you?"

The rune demon just laughed and gave him a soulful look. "Nix, you're not just worth being with me. You are worthy of me dying for you."

These words burned into Nix' memory. They went deep, right down to his soul. He didn't know how to answer.

A knock on the door interrupted their moment and Nix got up to go to the door. He was too confused, he first had to bring order to the chaos that was his feelings and thoughts. He couldn't do that if he stayed with Lyric, so he welcomed that interruption. His best friend stood in front of the door and looked at him seriously.

"Nix, we have to talk."

Nix nodded and looked at the demon on his bed.

Lyric just nodded and said, "Just go, I'm going to rest so that I can regain my strength as soon as possible."

So Nix left the room and silently followed his friend. They went to the small meeting room where they had been the day before. What does Dayan want to discuss with me? He was nervous because Dayan made a serious expression when he sat down.

"Tíz, I met with Daria," his best friend began.

Daria? The Banshee? Then Nix remembered their area of expertise. Oh. "And what did she say?"

"I described Lyric's situation, of course without naming names or revealing anything about his person. I also talked about the effect you both have on each other," Dayan replied.

Now Nix was curious. Their situation was special, possibly unprecedented. What did the curse expert say?

"Of course, she could only make assumptions, but she more or less settled on two scenarios." He stopped his explanation and looked at Nix. "Tíz, if I asked you to stay away from Lyric, would you do it?"

This question shook Nix more than he would have thought. Of course, he had thought about it many times, but he had never decided to do so. "No, why?" Nix replied.

"There are two scenarios: the first is that if Lyric triggers the curse, you tie the knot and become happy."

And the second scenario?

"The second is that Lyric binds to you and the dampening effect he has on you disappears. You will no longer be able to be near him, while at the same time he will always seek your closeness."

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