Chapter 6

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How should one prepare for the journey with a powerful oracle of Hell? First of all, he needed several strong spells and resistant clothing to shield him from the other demons. Lyric couldn't go to Ariana because she would immediately run to Belial. That wouldn't go well.

So Lyric went to one of his best friends when it comes to fashion and design. He entered the building in Paris, the city of love, and walked directly towards the reception desk. The lady at the reception froze and looked at him spellbound. This happened to him often but was just annoying.

"I would like to see Jean, please," he said kindly, hoping that the lady would gather herself soon.

She was obviously new, which was always annoying as it takes up unnecessary time. Somehow, she seemed to catch herself again and typed into her computer. "Um... do you have an appointment?" she asked, stuttering.

Lyric smiled. "I don't need that, sweetheart, just let him know that I'm coming."

That seemed to throw the brunette completely off track. "I... um... I am sorry. I... You can't... not without an appointment."

Lyric sighed. Hell, that's annoying. "Dear, tell Jean that his muse is here, then he will wave me through."

The lady didn't seem convinced but was also confused. She picked up the phone and called her supervisor. "Hello Lucille, yes, here is a guest without an appointment. What? He called himself your 'muse'. I told him he can't... Oh, huh? Yes, of course." The brunette stood up and made a frightened expression: "I apologize very much. The elevator is already ready for you."

Lyric smiled and walked into the cordoned-off area. He took the elevator to the top floor and got out when the doors opened with a bing.

"I apologize for the inconvenience. He's waiting for you in the décor room," an excited Lucille said, who was Jean's assistant and longtime collaborator.

"No need to worry," Lyric said, walking to the said room. He knocked out of courtesy and entered it. A person with short gray stubby hair, a large nose and ears with a joyful smile came towards him.

"Lyric, mon ami. What gives me the joy of your visit, my muse?" French fashion designer Jean Paul Gaultier greeted him.

"Hello Jean, I know you've been retired for some time now, but I'd like to ask you for a little favor," Lyric told his friend.

"But of course, everything you want," said the Frenchman nicely.

Lyric sat down opposite him and as soon as they were sitting, Lucille brought them a few drinks. "Chérie, I don't want to be disturbed in the next few hours. Cancel all appointments," Jean told his assistant. She nodded and left the room with her clacking heels.

The fashion designer leaned forward and asked, "What can I do for you, mon ami?"

"I need a new outfit that has to meet very special requirements. Similar to the previous one you designed for me," Lyric began.

Jean leaned back. "I'm all ears."

"It should cover my runes, but at the same time the fabric should also be so thin that I can establish a connection to them by touching them. The material should be very resistant, but also light and comfortable. And of course it should have style."

Jean laughed. His muse was, as always, his most difficult client, but he enjoyed nothing more than the challenge. He owed his groundbreaking success to Lyric. He would do anything to make him the right outfit, eventually Jean took a drawing pad and a pencil. "I think I have the right material – now for the style. Arms free or covered?"

"Free to about the middle of the forearm."

"Jacket or vest?"


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