Chapter 43

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After Lyric told Nix and Dayan that Zack had found a trace, they went to Astaroth's estate together the next day. They were the first to arrive. Astaroth greeted them with a stressed expression. The man didn't seem to have gotten much sleep in the last few days.

Nix and Lyric sat down on the sofa, Dayan leaned against the wall. Gradually, Lucan and Zack arrived and a little later Aleks and Belial arrived. The two seemed to be rather kinked. Astaroth sat down and took a deep breath.

"Well, what did you find?" he asked Nix and Lyric.

The oracle made a confused expression. "What do you think?" Nix began, but Lyric interrupted him.

"We have gathered the seven items," the rune demon said. He then got up and went to the end of the room, bringing as much distance between himself and Nix as possible. Then he turned his face to the others.

Nix looked confused at his beloved. Why did he get up and move away from me? He felt that due to Lyric's absence, the voices in his head began to speak louder. Why? He rubbed his forehead due to the headache but tried not to be noticed.

Seeing his beloved one like this caused a deep pain in Lyric's chest. Lyric hated himself and what he would do now. He hated that he had to hurt him, but there was no other way. They had agreed to it that way, there was no turning back.

"I found the place," Lyric said, raising his arm with a plain metal hoop dangling from it and looking at Dayan.

Nix didn't know what was going on – why did everyone look so depressed? Wasn't that a reason to rejoice? The voices in his head didn't make him think clearly.

"I'm sorry, Nix," sounded the voice of his beloved, which was full of pain. Why do you say such a thing? Then he felt a touch on his arm. The last thing he saw was Lyrics pain-distorted face before the voices exploded in his head. His eyes rolled backwards and he simply tilted to the side.

Lyric ran to his sweetheart and took him in his arms. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," he sobbed, tears running down his cheeks.

After calming down a bit, he sat upright, tightened his back. He looked into six affected faces. "Take him to the cell and no matter what happens, he must not leave it." Then he got up. "I will now go and create the key."

A hand grabbed him by the arm. "Tell us where you're going," Dayan said with an injured expression. "I at least want to know what I hurt my best friend for."

Lyric could understand Dayan's pain, the guilt almost tore him apart. So he did the right thing and told them the place. Aleks slapped his hand in front of his mouth in horror.

Dayan took Nix to a cell that Astaroth had prepared specifically for him since their last meeting and locked him up there. Lyric said goodbye to everyone once again. Then he got ready. Belial opened a portal for Lyric. He clenched his fist. I have made up my mind and will not regret it. "Think of our deal," were the rune demon's last words before he passed through the portal.

The others sat in their seats for a while as if stunned. They couldn't do anything but wait here for Lyric to come back or call them. Those were the worst hours – the hours of waiting, of uncertainty, of fear. Dayan had taken a position in front of Nix' cell. He would stand by his friend's side even in those dark hours.

Aleks clenched his fist. "This is not right," he said as his body shook.

"Tsuka, calm down. You mustn't get upset for the sake of our child," Belial tried to reassure him.

Tears run down the cheek of the pregnant angel. "I know, but it's so cruel. How can Lyric demand such a thing from us?"

Silently, the others looked to the ground, the memory of the day of the last meeting clearly in front of their eyes.

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