Chapter 26

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With hellish headaches, Lyric opened his eyes, blinking rapidly. The throbbing pain made it almost impossible for him to have a clear thought. He tried to orient himself, but again and again, he had to pinch his eyes. The stone floor beneath him felt cold and he shivered.

Slowly the environment took shape. Carefully he raised his hand, but he felt a resistance to it, preventing him from doing so. He turned his head and looked at his hand. A... chain? A thick metal shackle was wrapped around his wrist, attached to a chain on the ground. Carefully, he raised his other hand and looked at him legs – the same result. He was chained to the ground, like a sacrificial lamb before his execution. A sharp pain shook his head and the memories of the establishment came back – they had lured him into an ambush. What do they want from me?

"Are you awake, my heart?" a voice he knew asked.

He recognized the stranger from the bar and a shiver ran down his spine. That asshole. "No, I'm just pretending," he replied poisonously, even though he knew he should keep a low profile.

The stranger just laughed. "I love your humor. That was one of the things about you that I could never forget," he said in a loving voice.

Creepy. Who is he? Lyric couldn't remember who it was with the best of intentions. Hopefully Belial will come when he receives my message. At least he had done one thing right. Unfortunately, Lyric had no sense of time, didn't know how long he had been unconscious or where the hell he was at all.

"Who are you?" Lyric asked bluntly. He recognized from the demon's gaze that he didn't like it at all. I don't care.

"Your memory seems to be a bit clouded. Then I will help jog your memory. I am Zarok, your heart."

My heart? I would know that, then something would change in me. Apart from my gag reflex nothing stirs at all. But perhaps he could take advantage of the demon's madness. "Then why are you chaining me to the ground, my heart?" he asked in a sweet voice.

Zarok was apparently pleased that Lyric recognized him. "I'm sorry, but I had to make sure you didn't flee and I lost you again," he said, looking at him with an expectant look.

What do you want from me? "But I can't hug you when I'm lying here chained, my heart," he said, even though he felt sick at the thought.

That seemed to take Zarok a bit out of concept. "I would like to free you, but only when we have closed the bond. I'm still unsure..."

Bond? Is he crazy? He knocked me down, kidnapped me and tied me up. And now he wants me to bind myself to him?

Zarok resigned because Lyric's facial expression seemed to surprise him. If I have to make the covenant to escape, I'd rather die. He won't receive a part of my soul, not even temporarily.

"You seem to be reluctant to do it," the demon said cautiously.

Lyric would now make one last attempt, nothing more. "Of course. I don't want to close the sacred bond like a dog chained to the ground. Because that's all I seem to be for you," he said with a playfully injured undertone and turned his head away, looking in the opposite direction to Zarok. Belial... all the effort you invested in me was a waste. Sorry.

Zarok struggled with himself. He wanted to finally make Lyric his mate. Even when he saw him for the first time, he had known that he was his heart. Something as beautiful as Lyric could only be meant for him. The rune demon had not seen him, which had hurt Zarok. But now he was in front of him, ready.

"Lyric, speak the words and I'll untie you. Then we will do the rest together, without shackles."

"No." He still didn't look at him, which caused both anger and grief in him.

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