Chapter 29

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Lyric put on Jean's restored combat clothing. I have no idea how Dayan did it, but he has my respect. It fit perfectly and there was nothing left of the battle tracks. Finally, he combed his hair, put on his earrings and bordered his eyes with kajal. Perfect. Stylish. Then, he stowed away his weapons, which he had previously polished.

Nix had watched the whole spectacle with a grin. Hell, he's so hot. I want to eat him again. But there were more important things. During the day, he had received an answer from Sereph that he was ready to receive them. They had waited two days.

Nix had often withdrawn from Lyric, so his sighting abilities weren't subdued. Gradually, the visions came back, which put all the more strain on his body, as they now often came one after the other. They seemed to have accumulated in their absence. But it was absolutely the right decision, because last night he had seen a key moment. He was the ace in their trial with Sereph.

Together they walked through the portal and stepped out in the entrance hall of Sereph's estate. Lyric had never been here before, which is why it surprised him all the more. Everywhere the walls were decorated in a clear white with numerous mosaics of illuminated and ornamental stones. They were beautiful patterns that told a unique story. There were also numerous picturesque statues.

The stones on the floor were also laid in a flowing pattern. In addition, numerous works by artists were on the walls in selected places. He really seems to be an art lover. Each piece was perfectly staged, so that it could unfold its effect optimally.

An incubus greeted them, which was very unusual. He wore a uniform that distinguished him as the manager of the estate. Every hair sat perfectly. With a smile, he said: "Nice that you honor my Kuro with your visit. My name is Jaden and I will escort you to his meeting room. In addition, I am also responsible for your physical well-being. Are there any special requests regarding refreshments?"

Nix looked at him neutrally and didn't answer.

So the 'arrogant oracle role'? Lyric thought. "We thank you for the hospitality. In terms of refreshments, we leave the choice to you and your tastes," he replied.

The incubus nodded and told them to follow him. They walked along a corridor decorated like the entrance hall. The floor was made of black and white diamonds covered by red rugs.

At the end of the corridor was a wooden door with wrought iron decorations, which opened and the two entered the room. Wow. That was... unexpected. It was more of an art gallery than a meeting room. Numerous showcases and paintings adorned the walls, which were kept in a light beige tone. Weapons, works of art, everything that delighted the creative heart. The pieces looked very high quality. Even the tables and seating were works of art in themselves. The sofas had unusually shaped legs that looked like small sculptures and the fabric was embroidered with pictures. The arrangement was also unusual. They weren't arranged in a rectangle, but in an elliptical shape around the table, which had an asymmetrical rounded shape.

Sereph sat at the end of this table and looked at them silently with his black eyes. It was abundantly clear that he belonged to the Dorchadas demon race – down to one detail. Many Dorchadas demons had little or no body hair. This wasn't the case for Sereph, because he had dark brown, almost black hair that reached him to the middle of his back. He had braided it into a graceful braid that fell over his right shoulder and chest.

This suggested that he was only half Dorchadas demon and whose genes were only dominant. However, he had never confirmed or denied this. His skin shone bronze and was covered by a black shirt with silver buttons and matching trousers. Not exactly the typical clothing for a demon prince. With a height of about 6' 1'', he was larger than the two.

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