Chapter 21

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"Tíz, you stay behind me. We're going to go out here together and try to get as little attention as possible," Lyric said, and Nix nodded.

It was serious. Why did I only find out about the ambush so recently? So I had no way to prevent it... prevent it. Slowly, Nix came up with a bad thought.

Until now, the Nix had always stayed out of the action, only acting in the background, which is why they always knew what was happening. But he had decided to give up the position on the bystander and actively participate in the game. Thus, he was part of the action. Fate, you jerk, it deprives me of the important information so that I cannot escape.

He hadn't seen himself or Lyric, so he didn't know what would happen to them. So this is how ordinary mortals feel. He bit his lip.

"Lyric, we have to be careful, I'm afraid that fate wants to punish us. I don't know what's going to happen," he said in a trembling voice. The rune demon looked at him with a serious look.

If Nix doesn't know what's happening, that's not a good sign. Damn. Lyric pulled his Karambit knives and quickly walked down the aisle they had taken before. He pressed himself against the wall and looked around the corner. The coast was clear. Carefully he went down the stairs. Nix followed him. He abruptly raised his hand and told him to stop. They pressed themselves against the wall. Lyric had perceived a foreign presence. They are here. There were two masked demons sneaking through the aisle. Lyric meant to wait and keep still.

When one of the demons ran past the corner, Lyric struck at lightning speed. With a targeted hand edge strike on the larynx, he took the air out of the opponent and at the same time the opportunity to inform his companion. With a clean cut, he severed his biceps and a calf muscle when he fought back, so that he became unable to move. Then he squeezed his carotid artery until he became unconscious.

He pulled the demon around the corner and hid him. Carefully, he went back, hoping that he hadn't been heard. He looked around the corner and saw that the aisle was empty. Where was the other attacker? Vigilantly, he ran around the corner and told the oracle to follow him. All they had to do was cross the room at the end of the corridor, then they would reach the exit.

Quickly and as quietly as possible, they walked along the aisle. Nix watched as his companion crept on and checked the environment again and again. Even though it was absolutely the wrong time, Hell, Lyric was hot. Nix reached out to see if he heard anything, but Lyric's closeness seemed to dampen it. The fact that this was now his undoing was a macabre joke of fate – this jerk.

It was quiet, then a scream echoed through his head and before he knew it, an arm had wrapped around his neck and taken it into a dangerous grip. A wrong move and the demon would break his neck. Lyric took a fighting position and looked at the opponent, whose hot breath disgustingly stroked his neck.

"Let him go if you want to keep your life," Lyric said in a cold voice.

"One movement and the weakling is dead!" he grumbled behind him. Weakling? Had he just called him a weakling? A grin spread across Nix' face. He grabbed his arm, which strangled him. With a quick movement, he tore his elbow back and drove it into his opponent's ribs. The grip loosened, then he pushed his shoulder under his armpit, fixed his arm and before he knew it, due to a sweeping movement from Nix' right shoulder to the bottom left, he flew over the oracle and crashed to the ground. Without hesitation for a second, he stood on the opponent's neck and fixed him a glare.

"Ah, ah – one movement and I'll ram your larynx into your spine," he said in a poisonous voice.

Lyric had only watched the whole thing with big eyes. The demon tried to fight back, but soon lost consciousness. Nix turned and looked at him. "Lyric, grab his cloak, I'll take the other one."

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