Chapter 25

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Nix woke up with a warm feeling on his right cheek. He slowly opened his eyes and saw a rune-covered chest in front of him. It was so soft and comfortable that he would have preferred to fall asleep again. He was more relaxed than he had been in a long time. Smiling, he pressed his nose against Lyric's skin and inhaled his smell.

He had already noticed last time that Lyric had a very unique smell. Nix couldn't name what the rune demon smelled like. It was more of a sense of warmth and satisfaction that he conveyed. Simply unique. Nix smiled.

"What are you grinning about, little butterfly?"

The chest on which he lay vibrated with every word, but Nix didn't move an inch. He began to draw circles on Lyric's skin with his fingers. "I'm happy right now, can't I be that?" he asked in an insulted voice.

"If I'm the reason for that, then you're welcome to grin happily," his rune demon replied.

Nix didn't interrupt the circling for a moment. I want to tease him a little. "And if someone else was the reason?" he asked playfully.

Suddenly he was turned over and Lyric's face was very close to his, deep black eyes looked into his own. "Then I will wipe them out, because I don't share," he grumbled.

Nix' heartbeat accelerated and excitement flowed through his body. A grin spread on the demon's face.

"Little naughty butterfly, didn't you have enough yesterday?" Lyric asked in a deep voice.

Nix gently pressed against Lyric's chest, causing them to switch places with Lyric on his back. He should move as little as possible for his injuries had not yet healed. "I could also ask you the same question, you got your money's worth," Nix replied with a lascivious grin.

Lyric laughed softly. "That's right. Nobody has taken possession of me like that before."

Surprise and a different feeling spread in the oracle's chest. He couldn't grasp it. No one but me. Mine. He had to calm down, otherwise they would immediately embrace each other hot and excited again. Nix wouldn't like to do so, but there was something else that was more important to him. "Lyric. Would you be willing to share your story of the curse with me?" he asked and lay back on the left side of Lyric's chest, which was not injured.

Lyric sighed. He had known that Nix would ask him about it again. Was he ready? He has entrusted everything to me, so it is only fair if I am also open and honest with him. "I warn you, this is not a nice story," he replied.

"I'm ready. I'm here for you."

Fair enough. The only one who knew the story was Belial. Now another person would learn of his flaw. Lyric was a little afraid that Nix might turn away from him, and yet he chose the truth. "After Belial rescued and trained me, I lived with him for many decades. But at some point I decided that it was time to go my own way. I didn't want to be a burden to Belial, even though it had never been that way for him. He gave me so much and I wanted to repay him. So I left his estate and went on a trip.

I met many different demons that I could help with the use of my abilities. Secretly, however, I was also looking for my peers, because I had hoped that someone else other than me had survived the attack. So I could at least help Belial's guilty conscience some. But in all this time, I have never met any other rune demon besides me.

One evening a stranger approached me in a restaurant. He said he noticed that I was looking for my peers and that he had information on where they were. At that time I had a bad feeling, because somehow he seemed familiar to me, but I didn't know where from."

Lyric broke off briefly.

"Unfortunately, I didn't listen to that feeling..."

The memory appeared in front of Lyric's eyes. It hadn't faded for a second that had passed, the night that changed his life forever.

Nix - a fateful kiss (Vol.3) ✅️Where stories live. Discover now