Chapter 33

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Lyric sat on a stone and drank a sip from the leather bag Tori had given him. His gaze fell on the hourglass and he saw the last grain of sand detach from the ceiling and begin to float. Warm arms snaked around his naked upper body.

"Soon it's time," Tori's soft voice whispered.

With a gentle movement, the god stroked Lyric's long hair out of the neck. They now reached up to the shoulder blades and were just beautiful. Like a waterfall, they fell over his chest and his bright neck was exposed.

"Not much longer and you're finally mine," he whispered to Lyric's neck and pressed a gentle kiss on it.

Lyric looked down. "It's not time yet. He will come," he said in a firm voice.

On the one hand, Tori admired Lyric's unshakable faith in this man, on the other hand, these words were like a knife ramming into his heart. Not much longer. I wait patiently. Tori had concealed the fact that Nix couldn't find him. He knew it wasn't fair, but after all this time, Fate had finally sent him a companion and he wouldn't let him go. He stroked Lyric's soft skin and breathed in his scent. Rose water with autumn wind. Silently, Tori took the soft silver hair and braided it into an elegant braid that fell over his right shoulder.

When the god was done with it, Lyric rose. "I will wait for the last moments in the temple to receive him," he said. Tori looked after him.

"He will not come, Lyric," the God said.

The rune demon turned around and smiled at him. "He will." Then he went up the stairs to the transition to the intermediate level, in his right hand the small hourglass that sealed his fate.

Should the last grain of sand touch the ground, Lyric would belong to him. He would finally make him his mate. Tori had waited patiently for two years. It had been two years since he had met Lyric here and tied him to this place. Ever since he first saw him, he had known that his prayers had been answered. They had sent him a companion. So he had done everything to ensure that he stayed with him. The only thing left between them was the demon with the red eyes. But that would not be the case for much longer. He followed his demon upwards, his eyes fixed on the hourglass.

A year, three hundred and sixty-four days, twenty-three hours and thirty-two minutes ago...

Lyric fell. He closed his eyes and got ready for the hit. He had no orientation. Something snaked around his body, his arms were pressed to his body and he gasped. The wind subsided and the surroundings became clear.

When he opened his eyes and saw a yellow bird's claw wrapped around his body. Slowly they sank to the ground and the guard carefully placed him on the floor of the temple. Lyric sat up, searched the surroundings for Nix. He's gone. They had been separated. Nix had returned to the world of the living and he had stayed behind.

A deep grief struck him and a tear rolled down his cheek. He put his forehead on his knees and tried to calm down.

Why are you crying? the voice of the guard asked him. He carefully wiped away the tear.

"What happens now?" he asked him.

You will spend the rest of eternity here.

Lyric looked at him stunned. He knew he had made this decision, but only now did he realize the extent. Forever, without Nix. No, he wouldn't stand that. Before that, he would end his life.

The guardian demon seemed to notice his inner conflict and screeched quietly. His figure began to shine and he became smaller. His wings and dog's head disappeared and changed their shape. Lyric watched in amazement as his body changed.

Nix - a fateful kiss (Vol.3) ✅️Where stories live. Discover now