Chapter 1

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Centuries ago...

Dayan ran back as fast as he could. His little legs carried him towards the playground where he had forgotten his little wooden sword that his father had given him. On the way home, it had suddenly occurred to him and he was immediately turned around. When he arrived at the buildings of the playground, bright colors greeted him. Several swings of all colors, small and large obstacles where you can climb up and hide.

A small tower could be climbed with the help of a rope, from which a bridge led to a platform. A mesh of ropes moved diagonally downwards from the platform. Next to this was a large sphere, the only access of which was at the top. With the help of metal plates, you could pull yourself up there.

It had to be there, he was sure. As he headed towards the sphere, he suddenly heard beautiful sounds that filled the air around him. He stopped and closed his eyes. The melody wrapped around him and made him fly.

Fly up my little bird,

Fly up as far as possible,

But pay attention to my little bird,

Sink when the wind turns.

He saw the rich blue sky and felt weightless. Then, he spread his wings and flew. The wind ran through his hair and rustled in his ears. Then that beautiful voice suddenly fell silent and the image and feeling disappeared like a bubble bursting.

Dayan opened his eyes in disappointment and looked into two glowing rubies. Shiny black hair with a greenish shimmer blew in the wind that swept over the playground. Pink lips on alabaster skin. The being who looked at him from above was the most beautiful he had ever seen. Dayan couldn't tear his gaze away from him.

"What do you want here?" his melodic voice asked, but Dayan couldn't answer. He stood there, speechless, enchanted.

"I-I'm s-sorry," Dayan stuttered.

The boy slid down the sphere and stood in front of him. He was a little smaller than himself, but he didn't seem to care. "Who are you and why did you listen?" his counterpart asked him.

Dayan had to organize his thoughts. What did I want here? I was looking for something. Sword, my sword. "I was looking for my sword," he replied, without averting his gaze for a second.

The boy turned around and pulled out a small wooden sword from behind the ball. My sword. But somehow he couldn't concentrate on the sword that was held up to him. Absent-mindedly, he accepted this with a quiet "thank you." Then the boy turned around to leave. Without thinking, his body reacted and his hand closed around the alabaster arm. The boy turned around and looked at him questioningly.

"What's the point? Please let me go."

"Name." Confused eyes looked at him. "Sorry. May I know your name? My name is Dayan."

An enchanting smile appeared on these pink lips. "Latíz." With these words, the magical being disappeared.

"Latíz," Whispered Dayan. That day he had lost his heart.

At night he dreamed of the strange boy and his magical voice. I want to see him again.

Fifteen years later...

Latíz put on his shoes and drove his fingers over his chin-length hair again. With a sigh he gave up the idea that it would obey him today, as well as the last twenty-five years. What the heck. Today he would go to his new school for the first time.

His parents had finally settled back to their hometown after years of travel. His mother was a singer and dancer, while his father was a merchant. But now they wanted a familiar place for their son to grow up. Latíz had never minded traveling with them. He had visited numerous places that others couldn't even dream of.

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