Chapter 22

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Tíz, the name Lyric called his companion by, moved like a cat. With the Khukuri, he fended off the ax that attacked Lyric and rendered the enemy harmless. He was an incredibly good and elegant fighter, why hadn't he heard of this one before? But he unfortunately had one weak point – his wounded partner.

Pan saw him intercept the impact of a dagger with a piece of jewelry on his arm that shattered. At that moment there was a strong magical interference in the room. Pan opened his eyes. The shape of Lyric's companion suddenly blurred. Black hair with a green shimmer, alabaster skin and red eyes came to light. Impossible!

The shock was on the companion's face and the incoming attack was to hit its target, but the rune demon tore him back and intercepted the dagger with his arm, into which the blade sunk into himself. Then the whole room vibrated.

Lyric knew it the moment the magic crept over his skin, the moment Nix enclosed his upper body. He looked frighteningly at Nix, whose eyes were glowing red. His fangs protruded and black marks covered his arms. A wild growl escaped his mouth, which made the opponents retreat.

He raised his hand in the direction of the opponents and mumbled something in a foreign language. Shadows shot out of his skin. They shot across the ground and snaked around the opponents. Loud screams echoed through the room. One crack after another sounded and the opponents fell to the ground. Nix stood up and the shadows rushed around him in a vortex. He raised his hand again.

"Nix, stop!"

The moment Nix saw Lyric intercept the attack moved in slow motion. He didn't know where the dagger had hit, but he knew it had been at the height of his heart. Then he smelt Lyric's blood. That flipped a switch in him, he himself didn't know why. His inner demon broke out. I will kill them. So he called the shadows, killing one enemy after another, but that wasn't enough. More. Kill more. They hurt what belongs to me.

A voice tore him out of the madness. Light penetrated into the darkness of his madness, then he felt a soft hand on his stomach and another covered his eyes, taking away his view of the bloodbath.

"Come back to me," whispered a soft voice in his ear.

The sound hit him like a blow on a singing bowl. Suddenly, calm came over him. The shadows returned to him and he locked them in their prison. The oracle also felt the voice tame his inner demon, so that of which also calmed.

Nix carefully placed his hand over that of his rune demon and pulled it aside. He felt the glances directed at him. Even though he had finished the fight and saved Lyric, he had to pay his dues now. There was only one way to halfway clean that up, so he turned around.

Lyric looked at Nix, who had calmed down. The rune demon had acted instinctively, but he had to stop him before attacking Pan or his warriors. Nix put a hand on his cheek and he sank into the rubies. "You have defied my instructions, for this you will receive your just punishment." Then he felt a hard blow to the temple and it turned black around him.

Pan saw the oracle knock out the runic demon in one fell swoop. Cold eyes looked at the unconscious demon that had sunk to the ground. Had he heard correctly? Nix opened a portal and simply threw Lyric through. Threatening with an ice-cold look, Nix ran towards him. The crowd split, didn't dare get close to him.

Nix stepped in front of him and a resounding slap in the face sounded and Pan's head flew to the side. "You fool. And you call yourself a commander?"

Pan couldn't believe it.

"Because of you, my henchman was injured and can no longer do his job," the oracle said angrily.

How should he respond to that? In front of him stood the most powerful oracle in hell and, as it stands, the deadliest. "Why were you here and additionally in disguise?" Pan pressed out.

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