Chapter 4

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Lyric had been sitting on the sofa for two hours now and hadn't taken his eyes off the note on the floor for a second.

Fly up my little bird,
Fly up as far as you can,
But pay attention to my little bird,
Sink when the wind turns.

Come to me, my little bird.


The letters were gracefully curved. The author had beautiful handwriting. And as beautiful as his handwriting, so is his appearance. Hell again, what should I do? There was no question who had sent him this message, because no one other than him would send such a cryptic message without waiting for a response. There was only one person in question – Nix.

On the back of the note was a small magic circle – the portal. If he activated it, he would go directly to his host. But what should I do there? It wasn't the invitation that had shocked him, it was the lines. Memories of his past had come to the surface, memories he had wanted to forget.

If Nix has something in mind, then it's usually not a good thing. On the other hand, one could not refuse the invitation of the most powerful oracle of Hell. Lyric sighed. The discomfort that had spread in his body caused him a stomachache.

"Well, it doesn't help."

He got up and read the note again, then went to his bedroom to prepare. The room was square cut with a large four-poster bed, whose bed posts were made of dark wood with the shape of ivy growing carved into it. The basin looked like a large sea of leaves, so he felt like he was sleeping on the forest floor. Warm satin beige bed linen and a pair of grass-green pillows in between rounded it off.

On the other side, there was a mahogany dressing table in the same design as the bed with a matching hump – all handmade, of course. The table served its purpose, only without the make-up. He had stowed numerous pieces of jewelry in the many drawers – rings, earrings, bracelets, necklaces, hair clips and other bells and whistles. But only a small selection of his favorite pieces.

The walls were painted with a scene from the forest – numerous trees and shrubs. It was the scene in which he felt most comfortable. An approximately two-yard-high mirror with a wooden frame adorned the wall next to the door. He always looked into the mirror before leaving the room. So he often turned, when he found something he didn't like.

He opened the door to his walk-in closet and the wet dream of all fashion lovers stretched out in front of him. Along a corridor you could find everything your heart desired, sorted by type and color.

Lyric first went to the tops and chose a simple light blue shirt. He combined a dark gray vest with a rose pattern and matching trousers and chose black shoes. He rolled up his shirt and the top two buttons of the shirt remained open. Runes came to light, covering his entire upper body.

Now the accessories. He chose his favorite pieces. Two earrings in the shape of a rose and a small silver chain on the left ear, which stretched from a clip at the tip of his ear to the rose earring on his earlobes. In contrast to many demon breeds, he had pointed ears, which often made him appear more ornamental than others.

Then he combed his hair so that his steep cut, which became short at the back and diagonally chin length towards the front, framed his face perfectly. His eyelashes had the same silver color as his hair, which to his chagrin did not do his eyes any good, because they had an obsidian, shiny iris with a silver ring and thus stood out strongly.

Lyric often wore contact lenses to hide them, but today he would do without them. He would also do without the kajal eyeliner, he just didn't feel like it. He breathed a sigh of relief and went to the large mirror for a final check. With his 5' 9" height he wasn't small, but his slim physique often made him appear weak and petite next to his ears.

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