Chapter 35

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One night, Lyric decided to get up. He didn't want to sleep and dream of his oracle. The hourglass had already filled to two-thirds and there was still no sign of Nix. But he didn't give up.

After about a month, Tori had given him permission to leave the room at will. He stepped into the darkness and seconds later the place Lyric was thinking of appeared. He sat in a clearing in his old home with a steaming cup of tea in his hand. In order not to freeze, he had wrapped a warm blanket around him and looked up at the stars.

He felt a rise in magic behind him, shortly afterwards Tori sat down next to him. Lyric took a sip from his cup and looked up at the sky. The warm tea collected in his stomach and warmed him from the inside out.

"What are you doing here at such a late hour?" the god asked kindly.

"I couldn't sleep," Lyric replied truthfully. He didn't know if Tori knew about his insomnia or not, he didn't care. "What drives you here?" he asked the god.

"I felt that you had left your room. So I came here."

So he knows exactly where I am and what I'm doing?

They sat there for a while and remained silent. To Lyric's chagrin, the god made no effort to leave him alone. He turned his head and looked at Tori, who was sitting next to him. Anyone would have described him as a breathtaking beauty. The silver hair fell like a waterfall over his shoulders and his skin was flawless. He had a finely cut face with high cheekbones and a majestic nose.

"How did you become the guardian of the gate to the realm of the deceased?" Lyric asked to break the silence.

Tori looked at him in surprise. Is he interested in me? Tori thought, and a warm feeling spread throughout his chest. It had been thousands of years since someone had taken an interest in him.

"I'll tell you, but this is going to be a longer story. Are you fit enough for that?"

Lyric looked at him thoughtfully. He leaned back and made himself comfortable on the tree trunk. "Well, I have nothing else to do."

Tori had to smile. "Good. It started a very long time ago, I can't even remember the number of centuries."

Lyric closed his eyes and listened to the soft voice of the god.

"At that time, I was one of many gods under the direction of the supreme deity. Just as there was a king among demons and men, so there is a king among us gods. He created the race of men at that time, his children were the angels. The other gods created the demons. Everyone created a race at their own discretion. I created the race of rune demons."

So he is actually the creator of my species. The thought of sitting across from his Creator was always amazing.

"I don't know if you knew, but in addition to demons, humans and angels, there was a fourth species at that time."

Lyric looked at Tori questioningly. "A fourth?" He had never heard of it.

The god nodded and continued, "Many claim that humans were the favorites of the supreme deity, but that wasn't true. It was the fourth species – the Deva. "

Curious, Lyric sat up again. "Deva? I've never heard of them. What kind of beings are they?"

Tori smiled. "A Deva is a being blessed by God. Not much is known about them, except that they possess extraordinary abilities and their people were governed by the cycle of birth, aging and dying

"And why have I never heard of these?" the ruand their people were governed by the cycle of birth, aging and dyingecause they have been exterminated. They no longer exist."

Nix - a fateful kiss (Vol.3) ✅️Where stories live. Discover now