Chapter 38

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Slowly it was time. The others seemed to digest and reconsider the story. It was the right time for the second part. Sorry Nix, but it has to be. He activated a rune on his upper body and placed his hand on the back of Nix' head.

Nix felt him suddenly get tired. He snuggled up to Lyric and slowly his eyes fell shut.

"You're not going to fall asleep on me, are you?" Lyric's soft voice asked.

He began to yawn and replied, "I'll just rest my eyes for a moment, don't worry."

The rune demon looked lovingly at Nix and said, "Oh, what am I to do with you?" He kissed his crown and Nix fell asleep on his chest. The others watched this scene in amazement. Everyone could see the love that was between the two, but something was strange. Why had Nix just fallen asleep?

Carefully, Lyric turned Nix' head to the side so that he leaned his cheek against his chest. The other ear he covered with his hand and his facial expression became serious, he began to speak.

After Lyric had finished speaking, there was still an unpleasant silence. Lyric tightened his back and drew attention to another topic.

"Ok. We are still missing one item – the mirror of the bird. At the moment we have no clue where it is and that's why I ask for your help," Lyric said. He described the item and everyone agreed to put their sources in finding it. With that, they ended the meeting.

Almost a week passed, but there was no indication of where the last item was. Lyric and Nix had become even closer. Lyric caught Nix more and more often staring dreamily at his lips.

Nix was sitting in his reception room and doing his duties when a messenger raven appeared. The oracle received the message and rolled it out, annoyed. Who wants something from me now? However, when he read the words written in a curved font on the parchment, he froze.

Knock, knock.

Who's there?

A little bird that loves to look in the mirror. But the mirror is no longer there.

If the little bird wants to look in the mirror, it has to come to me. Knock, knock.


"Fucking shit!" Nix shouted and chucked the note to the floor. His anger ran wild. Shortly thereafter, the door opened and Dayan and Lyric stormed in, both with weapons drawn.

"What happened?" Lyric asked worriedly, putting away the weapons when he saw that there was no danger. Nix clenched his fist and struck once against the throne, which began to falter. Lyric grabbed his arm to prevent him from hurting himself. "Nix, talk to us," he said to his sweetheart.

When he calmed down a bit, he said, "I know where the last item is."

Dayan and Lyric looked at the oracle in surprise. "That's great," Lyric said with a smile.

"Wait, Lyric. Tíz, where exactly is it?" Dayan interrupted him.

Nix looked darkly at the note. "Lucifer has it."

Dayan sharply breathed in. It couldn't have been worse. Lucifer was the most notorious demon prince. His atrocities and capricious temperament were widely known. It corresponded exactly to what was expected of a jailer for the stewing souls.

"Well, then we go to the area of damned souls at the edge of Hell and pay Lucifer a visit," Lyric said, holding Nix' hand. The realm of damned souls. The prison where human souls were tortured until they had served their sentences.

Nix nodded darkly.

"But before that, we still have to dress up. We don't want to disappoint the ruler of the damned," said the rune demon with a grin.

Nix - a fateful kiss (Vol.3) ✅️Where stories live. Discover now