Chapter 32

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Dayan knocked on the bedroom door with a tray in his hand. It had now been two weeks since Nix had returned with the comb. He had walked out of the portal completely dirty and exhausted. His eyes empty. Lyric hadn't been with him. It had taken hours for Nix to finally tell what had happened. Afterwards, he had curled up in his bed in the fetal posture and cried.

Nix had searched for Lyric for days, had searched for the bridge, but he didn't find it. They had both disappeared.

Dayan didn't know how to help his friend. In the past few days, he had sat down with Astaroth and both had tried to find out more about the bridge with their contacts. Dayan had traveled to the area and searched for it with a troop, all in vain. It remained hidden and Lyric has disappeared. There was not a single trace. Through Lyric's absence, Nix' abilities had returned unfiltered. He was unable to attend the meetings because the voices made it impossible for him to be in a room with others for more than ten minutes.

When Dayan opened the door, a dark room awaited him. He activated the light stones and went to the bed. He carefully placed the tray and sat down next to his best friend. "Tíz, you have to eat something."

"I'm not hungry. He's not here." Tears again ran down the already swollen cheeks of the oracle.

Dayan knew he didn't mean hunger.

The oracle had already passed from the first phase of mourning over his loss to the second. In the days after Lyric's disappearance, the first phase, the phase of not wanting to admit, had begun. Like his delusion, he had been looking for him, wanting to believe that it had only been a bad dream that he would find him. But he hadn't found him.

Then the second phase had begun, the phase of breaking emotions. At first, burning anger and hatred had raged in him. Hatred of fate, hatred of the guardian, but most of all, hatred towards himself. By his inattention he had condemned Lyric. These then became grief, deep grief. Grief over the loss of his loved one. He had started locking himself in the room and crying. He refused any food intake and became weaker by the day.

"He wouldn't want you to punish yourself. You know that," Dayan said, wanting to help him.

"Nobody knows what he wants, because he's not here. He's not here to scold me. He's not here to tease me. He's not here to hug me. He's just not here anymore."

Dayan clenched his fist. He couldn't comfort Nix, couldn't touch him. He was also not allowed to stay in the room too long. Hell, there had to be a solution. Dayan got up and walked to the door. There is always a solution and I will find it.

After a few days, the door opened again. But this time Dayan stormed in.


Nix grumbled, he did not move a millimeter.

"Hell, Tíz! Get up! We have a hint."

It took Nix a moment for the message to get through. His upper body shot up and he looked at his friend. "You're lying," he said.

That was certainly just a trick to get him to get up or eat something.

"No. Now move your ass or I'll drag you to the meeting. Zack found something."

Nix got out of bed and looked at his friend with a serious expression. "If you lie, I will never forgive you." He quickly got dressed, washed his face briefly and followed his friend out of the room, which he had not left for days.

"Open a portal to Aleks' and Belial's home," Dayan said.

Nix opened a portal with a wave of his hand and both walked through it at a short distance. Determined, they walked through the entrance hall to Belial's meeting room. There Zack, Lucan, Belial, Aleks and Astaroth sat around a table. The voices in Nix' head began to grow louder, but he bit his way through. He stood at a distance from the others while Dayan sat down at the table in his place.

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