Chapter 40 (with smut-scene)

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Lyric stiffened. What the hell? they both thought in unison. Anger rose in Nix and Lyric. That asshole.

"I refuse," Lyric began in horror, but Nix silenced him with a wave of his hand.

"Excuse us briefly," Nix said. "We will be back with you in a moment." He dragged Lyric with him, who had a panicked expression, and they left the hall.

"Where is the infirmary?" the oracle asked the ram demon. He led them nervously. It was just a small room with two loungers and cupboards with a few bandages.

"Sit down," Nix ordered the rune demon, who looked at him in disgust. Nix then opened a small portal and put his hand through it. After digging something into it, he pulled out a dagger and an ordinary stone. Then he grabbed Lyric's hair and pulled his head to the side. "Keep quiet." He secretly pressed the stone into Lyric's hands and went very close to him. Quietly, he whispered in his ear, "Turn this stone into a replica of your eye. You have two minutes."

Amazement spread on Lyric's face. Without hesitation, he activated the rune that could make copies and touched his own eyeball. Slowly, the stone he was hiding in his hand turned into a copy of his eye.

Nix, meanwhile, got bandages and took some time to do so. The stone was almost finished. With a cold expression, he confronted Lyric and again pulled his head into the position where he could take his eye.

Lyric wanted to fight back, so Nix warned him, "Keep quiet, otherwise I'll have to take both from you." Every word was a shard in Nix' heart.

If Lyric hadn't known at that moment that it was acting, he would have believed Nix. He grabbed the oracle's hands and let the wrong eyeball slip into his hand.

"I hate you. I refuse-"

But Nix didn't wait. He felt that he was being watched. So he put the dagger over Lyric's eye and made a small cut, then he pretended to rip out the eyeball.

Lyric began to scream and double over, holding his bleeding eye.

"Heal the wound," the oracle ordered, the blood-soaked false eyeball in his hand. Lyric calmed down and growled at Nix. Anger was in his eyes.

He put the eyeball in a small swatch and washed his hands, then he went to the injured rune demon, who had gone from screaming to wheezing. He's an incredible actor. Roughly, he tore his hands away and pressed a compress on Lyrics' eye. Then tied the bandage around him so that it was stuck.

Lyric gasped and pressed his hand on the supposedly injured eye, activating a rune so that his hands began to glow.

"Get up, I don't have time for your howling," he told Lyric in a cold voice.

Wheezing, still his hand pressed on his eye, he trotted after the oracle. Traces of blood ran over his cheek and neck.

They went back to the reception hall. Nix was sure that Lucifer hadn't waited all the time, but he didn't say anything. He walked wordlessly to the prince of hell and let the bleeding eyeball fall into his hand. Lyric's hatred literally shot lightning at them. Then the oracle sat down as if nothing had happened. "You have your payment, now give me mine," he said emotionlessly, while Lyric shook behind him.

Lucifer smiled and told us with a mischievous grin, "The mirror is in the Inferno, there you can pick it up where Cypher is."

I knew it. That damn jerk. He wants us to walk through the Inferno and watch the stewing souls snipe us.

The Inferno was the place where the souls who were most corrupt were tormented. Their souls were tormented for centuries until they had served their sentence to be born again.

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