Chapter 41 (with smut-scene)

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************SMUT SCENE************

Cypher withdrew from the human being and turned him so that he lay on his back in front of him. Then Cypher spread his legs and positioned himself between them. Aaron didn't know what was happening because the blindfold took away all his vision.

"What are you up to?" Aaron asked angrily. He fought back, tried to escape, but the Fury in front of him fixed him in place. He didn't have the slightest chance.

Again he felt his warm breath on his face, then dipped a tongue in his mouth and caressed his. Frightened, Aaron wanted to retreat, but one hand held his cheek while the demon extended the kiss. Instinctively, Aaron tried to bite and caught the demon by the lip. Shortly thereafter, he felt a liquid dripping into his mouth, and an intense, tart taste exploded on his tongue. A fire raced through his body and heated him up. He was rock hard and trembling.

"You naughty little lamb," his torturer whispered to his ear.

Then Aaron felt the Fury slowly invade him and rub over his pleasure point. He bit his lip again and began to tremble. I'm not going to make a sound. Never. The slow hip movements tortured him.

Cypher felt the human approaching climax again and took his juicy nipple into his mouth. He sucked on it and gently bit it. The tremor became stronger and Aaron's wet entrance got tighter. "Ask me to let you come, little lamb. Then I will give it to you", the fury said in a soft voice.

He wanted the human to beg him with his smoky voice, which appealed to him so much.

"Go to hell," Aaron pressed out instead of a request. This person was strong, stubborn and idiosyncratic. Everything riled Cypher up.

"This time I'll let you taste a piece of paradise. Memorize this well, because next time you will have to beg for it."

With his hand he stroked Aaron's cheek. Then he conquered his sweet lips again, took his cock and began to rub it. With powerful thrusts, he drove him over the abyss.

In Aaron's body, lust exploded. He came violently and screamed silently into Cypher's mouth. His skin tingled and his heart beat wildly. The intensity overwhelmed him. At the same time, he felt a heat spread in his abdomen when the demon came inside of him. A soft laugh accompanied him into unconsciousness.


Cypher felt that all tension was leaving the human body. With a wave of his hand, he removed the blindfold and the handcuffs. He gently licked the prisoner's lips to heal the wounds on them. His blood tasted sweet and he smelled of clover and fog at dawn.

What did you do to land in such a place? He would find out. The demons here didn't know what the damned souls had done. They had to ask these questions, but after one or two interrogations, they usually told everything their torturers wanted to know.

But Aaron was different. He had already been here for two months and hadn't spoken a word, except for the insults he had thrown at Cypher. He hadn't screamed a single time. When Cypher first met him during a flogging, he had been fascinated by him from the very first moment. He was a mystery that he would fathom.

He took the unconscious person and went to the stone to which he was usually chained. Carefully he put him down and put the neck shackle back on him.

"Sweet dreams, little lamb. See you tomorrow," the general said with a smile.

Nix was in a more than bad mood. He had already suspected that Lucifer would play his games but sending him across the realm of the damned had only fueled Nix' anger even more. Contrary to their expectations, the visit to the Inferno had passed without incident. But to become spectators of the punishment of Cypher and the prisoner, they could have done without it. Now they were in Bhuvarloka – the area of the Kaubuk spirits and shadow animals.

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