Chapter 11 (smut-scene)

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Nix lay naked in front of the rune demon, who looked at him with glowing eyes. He had never been ashamed of his body. He may be a little smaller and petite than others, but he had toned muscles that defined his body.

His black hair shimmered greenish in the dimmed light of the room and his ruby red eyes glowed. In front of him, a predator stood out with eyes of obsidian that devoured him. Lyric had stripped down to his underwear and the black runes covering his upper body and arms shimmered on his skin.

I want to lick them. This thought shot Nix's head. The silver hair of the demon shone and the light reflections were captured by him.

Lyric looked at the alabaster-colored skin of his counterpart. It was more delicately built than Lyric and yet everything was perfect. Rosy nipples interrupted the light tone of the skin. They had risen expectantly, begging for his attention.

It had been a long time since he touched someone, but with Nix this desire became stronger with every second. No one had ever seen this demon like him. No one had caressed this soft, delicate skin and left their mark on it. He would be the first. A growl escaped his chest.

Nix looked at him with an expectant look, which he replied with a lascivious smile. May the feast begin. Lyric opened Nix' legs and positioned himself in between. He carefully positioned his hands next to Nix' head and leaned forward.

"Don't forget our deal. You are not allowed to move unless I command you to. If you show signs of a reaction to my curse, I stop immediately."

Until now, Nix had actually shown no reaction, which presumably made him immune. But he didn't want to take the risk.

Nix nodded as a sign that he understood. Lyric unleashed the spell that protected his skin and placed his fingers on Nix' chest, both of them shuddering from the touch. It had been centuries since Lyric had had direct, unhindered physical contact. For Nix, this was the first experience and he would enjoy it to the fullest.

Lyric rode his fingertips down from Nix' solar plexus, where his oracle was located, to his belly button. Nix got goosebumps. It was a completely unknown feeling, but it made his skin tingle. Then Lyric's fingers moved up the side, circled his nipples, but didn't touch them. He ended up at his collarbone.

"My little butterfly, time to make your wings flutter," said the rune demon.

What is he up to? Then he felt warm lips on his chest, following the path of the fingers. Nix closed his eyes and groaned. It felt too intense, he didn't even know what was happening to him. At the end, his lips wandered along his collarbones and nibbled on them.

Nix was excited and tense. His breath went fast and his pulse was accelerated. The touches triggered feelings that he couldn't yet process.

"Flutter, little butterfly." Then Lyric's lips closed around Nix' right nipple. Nix breathed in shock and a moan came over his lips.

Lovingly, Lyric licked the little tip and played with it. Nix' skin tasted delicious and it was just the beginning. His smell was delicious – fir smell at dawn and fresh dew. While he was lovingly suckling on his nipple, Nix' thighs began to tremble. He had already become hard after the first touch, making his excitement reach out to him, begging.

Carefully Lyric let go of his nipple and looked into eyes full of lust. He wandered up with his lips until he arrived at the neck of the oracle. There he nibbled on the sensitive skin and ran his tongue over his throat.

Nix' hands clawed into the bed varnish, he wasn't allowed to touch Lyric, he didn't want it to end here. Erotic sensations ran through his body, driving him crazy. His body no longer belonged to him, but to the rune demon. He obeyed only his touches. When he felt the slight touch of teeth on his sensitive neck, he shuddered again. Will he bite me? Will it be as pleasurable as he promises?

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