Chapter 5

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It was as if something was shattering inside Lyric. This song. He hadn't heard it for hundreds of years. No, that wasn't right. The last time he heard it had been close to the death of his parents. Lyric's knees gave way as this ugly feeling spread inside him. By force, he pushed back the memories that threatened to come to the surface. He took a deep breath in and out. Counted until his heart calmed down again. Then he looked up to Nix.

Angry eyes stared at Nix. Lyric's beautiful face had taken on an expression of hatred and anger.

"What's your point?" Lyric asked in a cold voice.

Had Nix hit a sore spot? Interesting. "Calm down. This song is the clue as to how to obtain the second key." Lyric's eyes narrowed and he remained silent. Nix continued, "It's not complete, so it's useless. The only one who knows the lost verses is you."

The lost verses... "Forget it. I'm leaving," Lyric said, turning around.

"Lyric. Tell me the rest of the verses." There was no more cheerfulness in Nix' voice.

Lyric's shoulders cramped. He hated every second, but if that was the price of getting away from here, he would pay it. He opened his lips. The image of his mother singing this song with a smile appeared before his eyes.

"The singing sounds bright,
Pray here the chain there,
When he struggled for freedom,
He heard the clock so close.

Did he go on and on quickly,
Like a small sacrificial lamb,
He always stumbled so cheerfully,
Over a syllable comb,

Accept the pen of freedom,
Write your bold words,
Open your mouth and sing,
The wishes of your heart's hoard.

Fly up my little bird,
Fly up as far as possible,
But pay attention to my little bird,
Sink when the wind turns.

Find these seven things,
Put them around his grid there,
Soon he sounds his bright laugh
And the wings fly away."

A smile spread to Nix' face.

"Outstanding. So, I have everything I need."

Lyric's shoulder sagged. "Then I will leave," he said to the oracle. This again emitted a soft laugh and his gaze changed.

"I'm sorry, but that's not possible."

What? Why? "How are you going to stop me?" Lyric asked with a defensive attitude.

Nix got up and walked towards him without interrupting eye contact for even a second. As he stood about half a meter in front of him, he smiled again and replied, "Because you will accompany me in search of the seven objects in the children's song."

It was like a slap in the face. Lyric staggered back. What nonsense is he talking about? Has he fallen into madness?

Nix could see the disbelief on the demon's face. Not exactly the reaction he expected. "To answer your question more precisely, you have no choice. Firstly, this here is a cave in the middle of a mountain that you can only leave with my permission. So there is no escape route."

Lyric processed what was said. It made sense to hide such a powerful oracle in an impregnable place. But even if he didn't get away from here, it still wouldn't mean he wouldn't accompany Nix on a trip.

"Second," Nix continued, "you are the only one who can accompany me. Only together can we find the artifacts."

"You thought about it nicely, but I refuse to accompany you. So it doesn't do you any good to arrest me here," Lyric replied. Nix was the last person he wanted to be around. Not after what happened at their last meeting...

Nix - a fateful kiss (Vol.3) ✅️Where stories live. Discover now